Tradehub blockchain internal transfer used as Payment Processor
Requires Python 3.8+
Requires Tradehub
Install via pip install tradehub
Python file possesses the base functionality to check user input of a TxnHash with a registered token (swth) and amount.
Example File:
The example file gives a demonstration of how the functionality can be used as a payment processor with multiple tokens (Switcheo, Ethereum, Celsius Network, USD Coin, Binance USD). It is a Flask run App (not ready for production) built to assist HTML developers in implementing TradeHub payments on their site. (Note: Requires TradeHub Wallet - See to sign up!)
Running example:
Example will require Flask, Flask-wtf
Nagivate to Example folder in terminal
Run python
Program will run on localhost:5000
Receiver address will need to change before implementation. It is currently set to programmers' public address.