Releases: MaherKSantina/MSPeekCollectionViewDelegateImplementation
- Added ability to listen to index change when the paging finishes
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
- Added SPM Support ! 🎉
Fixed an issue when scrolling backwards and stopping before pulling finger.
Thanks @miklashevsky for helping me track this thing out!
Added scrollToItem
function on the behavior. You can now do something like:
behavior.scrollToItem(at: 1, animated: true)
It's recommended to use this function instead of the collection view's scrolling function because we're using a custom collection view layout and the calculation is different
New version is here with less bugs! (Hopefully 🙏 )
The implementation is now using a custom collection view layout which spaces components based on the collection view's frame
The paging behavior is now in it's separate component so that it would be easier to customize and maintain
The new layout should fix most issues with items clipping but please feel free to raise issues if you're still experiencing them
Thank you for your comments and support everyone! ❤️
- Updated swift to version 5 🎉
- Added
is the number of items that the user will scroll when the scroll distance is greater than the threshold. This is quite useful when you have multiple cells showing at once and you need to do a paging behavior.
For example, let's say I'm showing 2 items at the same time, but I still want to have some kind of paging behavior by scrolling to another 2 items without the need to scroll 1 item at a time. This can be achieved by setting the number of items to show to 2 and minimum items to scroll to 2