Collection of Tutorials for integrating ROS in grasshopper3d; based on docker, compas fab, bengesht, etc.
These methods facilitates design to robotic production workflows as well as real-time and adaptive robotic fabrication workflows.
According to Association for Robots in Architecture:
Industrial robotic applications usually deal with a fabrication problem in such a way that a problem is defined, a solution programmed and the resulting control data file executed at the robot. Interaction within this process is not necessary because the design is usually finished at the point when robot code is generated. We therefore argue that robotic arms have not yet been used to their full capabilities in industry applications, as they are never linked directly to a design process.
In our research we focus on intuitive robot control and intuitive simulation for a bottom up design process. To develop fluent action and reaction scenarios for industrial robots in an architectural context. Focusing on dynamic processes in which the robot interacts with continuously changing data, resulting in a comparably unconstrained system that cannot be automatically solved.
"An Art of Connectivity": Tristan Gobin, Sebastian Andraos, Thibault Schwartz of HAL robotics.
Dockerfile uses our recipe for the image we want to create and creates an [ubuntu] image. Here we can choose the ROS version we want to use, which packages we want to install, etc.
Docker-Compose is used to run custom/different applications from our image. By defining which ROS nodes we like to run together.
- Operating System: You can use Mac or Windows 10 operating systems for most of the tutorials. However, Windows 10 is suggested for better compatibility with Grasshopper.
- Docker desktop
- Visual Studio Code
- Rhinoceros and Grasshopper 3D
- Anaconda
- Install Docker Desktop
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Rhino and Grasshopper
- Install Anaconda
Each tutorial is described separately inside their respective folders.
More details: in this link.
Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components.
More information: