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MicroHard Flight Simulator X is a student project in the course TDT4295 Computer Design Project at NTNU with the goal of designing, programming and developing a custom 3D fligt simulator utilizing a self designed PCB sporting a Xilinx Artix A100T FPGA and a SiliconLabs EFM32 MCU. The system outlined here is the graphics processing system residing on the FPGA, and deals with all the graphical processing and effects needed to visualize the flight simulator. This part of the project is the culmination of a few months worth of hard work by Morten sørensen and Andreas V. Jonsterhaug. The system is written in SystemVerilog with Verilator testbenches for each module in the system. The other parts of the system, that is the PCB and the MCU source code can be found elsewhere in the MH Flight Simulator X org:
The project is splitt into multiple modules and accompanying documentation in Documentation/.
A figure showing the top-level design overview:
And here is a bad drawing of the architecture:
The following is an overview of the project structure
FPGA-src ├── src/ │ └── top_mh_flight_sim_fpga.sv ├── lib/ │ ├── Clock/ | | ├── clock_100Mhz.sv │ │ └── clock_480p.sv │ ├── Display/ │ │ └── display_480p │ ├── MCU-FPGA-Com/ │ ├── Math/ | | ├── FastInverse/ | | ├── FixedPointDivide/ | | ├── MatMul/ │ │ └── MatVecMul/ │ ├── Memory/ | | ├── BRAM_DP/ | | ├── BRAM_SP/ | | ├── Buffer/ | | ├── FIFO/ | | ├── G-Buffer/ │ │ └── ROM/ │ ├── Display/ │ │ └── display_480p.sv │ ├── RenderPipeline/ | | ├── PrimitiveAssembler/ | | ├── Rasterizer/ | | | ├── FrontEnd/ | | | └── Backend/ | | ├── VertexShader/ | | ├── VertexPostProcessor/ │ │ └── TransformPipeline/ │ └── SPI/ │ ├── src/ │ │ ├── spi_master.sv │ │ └── spi_slave.sv │ └── tb/ │ └── spi_master_tb.cpp ├── Documentation/ │ ├── FPGA_spesification.pdf │ └── Module_documentation.md ├── Constraints/ │ ├── Arty-A7100t.xdc │ └── MH-System.xdc ├── Data/ ├── Build/ │ ├── build.tcl │ └── program.tcl ├── README.md └── LICENSE
The spesification for the system can be found here:
Project Specification
For each of the modules in the lib/ directory, a src and a tb directories are provided. The testbenches for the src files are provided in the tb directory. All testbenches are written in C++ and are utilizing Verilator.
To build the project run the following inside the Build/ directory
mkdir logs
vivado -mode batch -source build.tcl -log logs/build.log -journal logs/build.jou