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CO2: Format: CSV CAMPEP,LogFC,logCPM Keep a header, the script will ignore the first line and assign new headers

BLAST Query- the last part of the identifier must be “|unique_name” blastp -db _.pep.fa -query _genesofinterest.txt -out {species_name}_genetype_blast.csv -outfmt “6 evalue qseqid ppos sseqid” Columns will not have name but they are: Evalue,query sequence ID, percent match, sequence id The script will give the file column names HMM Create seed files

MAFFT Version 7 takes in seed file and gives alignment file navigate to where you want the aligned file to rest mafft gene_seed.txt>gene_seed_aln.txt

HMM build from MAFFT takes in aligned file from above and makes hmm file navigate to gene_type folder @CF goes to .exe file output input ../hmmbuild OMT.hmm gene_seed_aln.txt

HMM Search takes hmm file from above navigate to gene_type folder @CF for GOC goes to .exe file out 1 file out 2 input hmm input pep.fa ../hmmsearch -o OMT_hmmout.csv --tblout test.csv OMT.hmm ../PEPfa/Goc.pep.fa

#####without CO2 from MMETSP website

Part I: This is a bash file. Input: the name of species (group of organisms) from MMETSP Output: HMM profiles for CCM and Photorespiration genes, counts from MMETSP

Part II: PEP_HMM2.ipynb This script must be run on some python interface. Cannot run on shell because a function from pandas is not compatible with bash.

Make sure this script is in the same folder as the output from part I.

Input: the name of species (group of organisms) from MMETSP (same as in part I) Output: Table with genes that map to CCMs and photorespiration for all the species in the group you selected.


scripts and HMM profiles used in the manuscript where we looked at gene response to increased CO2







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