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Max Bridgland edited this page May 23, 2020 · 3 revisions


Base Requirements:

  • Windows 10 (Not tested on anything else, developed on Windows 10 2004.19041.256)
  • Windows Terminal (Made for this but should work with Cmder, ConEmu, PS, and CMD)

Build Requirements:

  • Go 1.14

Downloading Binary/Installer

You can find the Binary and Installer in the Releases Section. If you download the installer it will install winfetch.exe to whichever path you specify, the default is C:\ Program Files\winfetch\winfetch.exe.

If you download the binary alone in .zip format you can unzip and extract it to somewhere inside your $PATH.

Make sure wherever you install winfetch to is inside your $PATH! For more info refer here

Using go get

To install from go simply run:

go get

Building From Source

Clone the repository:

git clone

Run the following commands:

cd winfetch
go build
./winfetch.exe # This will be built inside the winfetch/ directory