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Max Bridgland edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 1 revision

My Theme Won't Show Up!!

Woah woah woah. First, before you make an issue on the GitHub make sure of a couple things:

  1. Do you have legacy customization enabled? If you didn't prior Foxify should have done that on setup. If not, follow these steps to enable it:
  • Go to "about:config" in the URL bar in your Firefox browser.
  • Accept the warning about voiding your warranty.
  • In the search bar type: "toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets"
  • Double click on the table row that shows up if it's False, if it's True look at solution #2.
  • Restart your browser and see if your theme loads, if not go to Step 2.
  1. Try removing your current theme and any backups in your profile folder. To do so follow these steps:
  • Go to "about:support" in the URL bar in your Firefox browser.
  • Click "Open Folder" under Profile Folder.
  • Delete all files inside chrome/ and chrome_backup/.
  • Run foxify backup apply THEMENAME again and see if your theme is loaded.

If these solutions do not work for you please create an Issue ticket and describe the issue you are having and any errors that the terminal displays.

I get an error about profile not being found

If you run into this error simply follow these steps below:

  1. Run foxify config
  2. Go to wherever the Config Directory is based on that output
  3. Go to "about:support" in Firefox.
  4. Copy the directory under "Profile Folder"
  5. Open the config file for Foxify
  6. Replace active_profile with the path you copied from Firefox

If this solution does not work for you please create an Issue ticket and describe the issue you are having and any errors that the terminal displays.