✅ How to Submit
- Go to issues tab , select the challenge you want to solve
- Fork this repo to your account.
- Clone the repo to your local machine
- In the root folder/directory, create a directory/folder that is named after your Github username, e.g. devabubakar for my case.
- Add a file in the created folder/directory above, with the following naming convention: .<lang_file_ext> e.g. count_zeros.js (if doing with JavaScript), count_zeros.py (if Python), CountZeros.cs (C#) etc.
- Write your code, test, stage, commit, push.
- Now create a PR against our main branch with the PR title: github_username - first_name e.g. profnandaa - Anthony
- Our Github Actions bot will reply to you with the application form link.
- Fill in the form and submit.
- Wait for our invite if selected.