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A minimal, Turing-complete, Domain-Specific Language; simple text editor with an interpreter, Abstract Syntax Tree and reduced Control Flow Graph graphical generator.


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DSL is a very minimal domain specific language, with a problem domain being academic research, designed and created for a Theory of Computation course. Bundled with this program is a simple text editor which allows the user to execute (interpret) code written in the language, generate a graph of the Abstract Syntax Tree for the language, and a reduced Control Flow Graph.


Below are screenshots of the Fibonacci problem

Output from interpretation


Generated Abstract Syntax Tree


Generated Control Flow Graph


Developer's Note and Warning

I would like to note that this project was hacked together in a very brief time under extremely tense time constraints, and as such the code quality, to say the least is lacking. As well, the logic is counter-intuitive at times, and some things are still buggy and broken. I am officially done with the project, although it does deserve to be displayed here as a lot of work went into it.


Control Flow Graph - Basic Block Reduction

Control Flow Graph incorrectly reduces the last node of a while loop into its own basic block due to the wonky reduction algorithm I devised. If anyone wants to work on it, that's one of the first things needing to be done; the Control Flow Graph algorithm needs an entirely new overhaul. It should be noted that control flow itself is correct, as it does introduce a back-edge from the incorrectly-constructed singleton basic block.


The BNF grammar can be seen below...

prog : prog stmt
  | stmt
  | /* Empty */

conditional : WHILE expr block
    | IF expr block 
    | IF expr block ELSE block

stmt : VAR NAME '=' expr ';' 
    | NAME '=' expr ';' 
    | conditional 
    | PRINT expr ';' 

stmt_list : stmt stmt_list 
    | /* Empty */   

block : '{' stmt_list '}'

expr : expr '+' expr 
    | expr '-' expr 
    | expr '*' expr 
    | expr '/' expr 
    | expr EQ expr
    | expr NEQ expr
    | expr GE expr 
    | expr LE expr 
    | expr '>' expr 
    | expr '<' expr 
    | '(' expr ')' 
    | INTEGER 
    | STRING 
    | NAME 

Code Example

var x = 0;
var y = 100;
while (x < y) {
  if (x == 10) {
    print "X: " + x;


A minimal, Turing-complete, Domain-Specific Language; simple text editor with an interpreter, Abstract Syntax Tree and reduced Control Flow Graph graphical generator.








