CTF date: 24.11.2023 - 26.11.2023
Duration: 48 hours
CTF Time: https://ctftime.org/event/1992
GlacierCTF 2023 was the second edition of the jeopardy-style CTF organized by LosFuzzys. The CTF featured challenges in various categories, including pwn, rev, web, crypto, smart contracts, and misc. The 2023 GlacierCTF repository contains all challenges and solutions/writeups.
A sincere thank you to all participants and the people who provided the challenges that made this CTF possible.
Congratulations to the top 10 overall teams:
- Project Sekai
- organizers
- r4kapig
- TU Delft CTF Team
- thehackerscrew
- CyKor
- th3_Shell7evens
- Lite Chicken
Congratulations to the top 10 academic teams:
- TU Delft CTF Team
- CyKor
- th3_Shell7evens
- Moldovan Independence Liberation Front
- SquidProxyLovers
- Chino
- WE_0WN_Y0U