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UTXO storage backend for Bitcoin Cash


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CashDB - UTXO storage backend for Bitcoin Cash

CashDB delivers a specialized storage dedicated to the UTXO dataset of Bitcoin Cash. This component is intended to support livechain apps 1 such as Bitcoin ABC or ElectrumX. As a end-user of Bitcoin, you are not expected to ever interact directly with CashDB.

CashDB follows a classic client-server design. The server side of CashDB is implemented in C# over .NET Core 2.1. The client side is implemented in C. The API includes a list of methods and structures defined in cashdb.h.

CashDB is released under a non-standard licensing scheme. Check, and


With the following hardware configuration:

  • Intel i9-8950HK 2.9GHz, 6 Cores
  • 32GB RAM
  • Intel Optane SSD 900P Series, 280GB

CashDB performs:

  • ~120,000 IOPS for a UTXO set of 24GB
  • ~110,000 IOPS for a UTXO set of 256GB

while keeping block commit operations under 1ms.

Here, an "IO" refers to a read or write operation from the UTXO set perspective. A vanilla Bitcoin transaction with 2 inputs and 2 ouputs requires 6 IOs to be processed: 2 IOs to read inputs, 2 IOs to update inputs, 2 IOs to write outputs. Thus, a single Intel Optane card is expected to support close to 20k transactions per second with low cost hardward, i.e. as of January 2019, the Optane card costs about 400 USD. Also, as of January 2019, the UTXO set of Bitcoin is about 5GB.

The app ./test/CashDB.Benchmark can be used to reproduce those results.

Getting started

Clone the present repository.

Under Windows, open CashDB.sln with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (or above) and compile.

Under Linux,

A C/C++ client library cashdbclient is produced by the project /src/CashDB.Client. Check-out /src/CashDB.Client/cashdb.h for the intended API of CashDB.


The prime focus of CashDB is performance. CashDB seeks to max-out both the storage and I/O capabilities of modern hardware, namely SSD and Optane. CashDB moves away from the historic Bitcoin implementation which relies on a block-do+block-undo pattern.

With CashDB, it remains possible to implement a block-do+block-undo pattern, but the block-centric approach adopated by CashDB provides constant-time chain reorg, which is of interest for production systems.

Storage overview

The blockchain is a hybrid between a tree of blocks and a linked list of blocks. Due to the very nature of Bitcoin mining only the freshest part of the blockchain - the most recent blocks - can actually behave as a tree-like structures. Yet, the longest-chain mining rule ensures that tree-like properties of the blockchain does not, and instead always resolve to a linked list of blocks.

The CashDB API is explicitly taking advantage of this blockchain by making sure that the API itself does not stand in the way of highly optimized implementation.

The "UTXO" storage of CashDB (UTXO standing for unspent transaction outputs) would actually be better qualified as an hybrid storage between:

  • a UTXO storage - which only keep unspent outputs.
  • a TXO storage - which would keep all outputs.

For all the blocks that are no further than 100 blocks away from the longest chain ever stored in CashDB, the entire UTXO set is available for query; but also all the coin consumptions that did happen through those blocks. This property of CashDB ensures that a miner can correctly assess if an output is truly unspent or not.

The 100 blocks cut-off rule of CashDB is aligned with the transaction validation rule that prevents coinbase transactions to be spent for 100 blocks.

Restricting the read queries to more recent blocks also ensure that old transactions outputs that have been spent can be fully pruned from the physical data storage that supports CashDB. To further clarify, while reading "recent" block, the API can well return "old" outputs, well beyond the last 100 blocks.

Also, as the CashDB API exposes some methods that are guaranteed to be pure, returning immutable results, the CashDB API does prevent any coin to be pruned for 100 blocks.

Durability at the block level

Coping with the I/O throughput is one of the major challenged faced by an implementation of the CashDB API. CashDB addresses this challenge upfront by adopting a rather specific approach to durability.

Writes made to the API are only guaranteed to be durable once a block is committed through the API. This leads to an API design were blocks are first opened and finally committed. In case of a power failure or other transient failure bringing down the whole CashDB system, only committed blocks are guaranteed to be retrievable.

This design offers the possibility to CashDB implementations to largely mitigate the I/O challenge by keeping the most recent entries in non-durable memory.

In practice, CashDB does not imply that committing a block will be treated a single monolithic operation. Implementations are expected to try flushing incoming data to durable storage as soon as possible, but not offering durability guarantees before the block commit.

Idempotence and purity

Designing software for distributed computing is difficult. There are many assumptions that cannot be made. See the fallacies of distributed computing. The API is designed to precisely take those aspects into account by making all methods either pure or idempotent.

A pure method is a method that, when it succeeds, always returns the same results. Unlike an idempotent method, a pure method has no observable side-effect, not even the first call. By construction, pure methods are safe to be called multiple times.

The intent associated to pure methods is to support read methods that always return the exact same data.

An idempotent (*) method is a method that can be safely called multiple times with the same arguments. All responses are identical, and the state of the system is not be modified by any call except the first one.

The intent associated to idempotent methods is to support write methods, which can be safely retried through retry-policies, which are, in practice, required when designing distributed systems.

(*) Our terminology is slightly adjusted to the specific requirements of CashDB. In the literature, you may find slightly different interpretations of those terms.

Strictly append-only

The API of CashDB is strictly append-only. It does not offer any mechanism to re-write previously written data. This design is intentional.

  • It prevents entire classes of mistakes from being made with the other Bitcoin micro-services which populate and consume the present API.

  • It enables a wide range of both software and hardware optimizations which would otherwise be much more difficult if the data was mutable.

  • It vastly reduces the surface-attack area of the micro-service itself. An attacker could still brick a CashDB instance, but not rewrite the past, not through the API itself (*).

(*) With sufficient system privilege, all hacks remain possible; however, a defense in-depth design not only complicate the hack, but also makes it vastly lower.

No server-side instantiation

The results returned by the API are always injected into pre-allocated structures passed by the client. If the allocation is insufficient, the method call will fail.

This design removes entirely classes of mistakes where memory management could be considered as ambiguous. As the API does not return anything new, it's the sole responsibility of the client to manage its memory.

Capacity limits of methods

Most methods offered by CashDB offer the possibility to perform many read/write at once, typically by passing one or more arrays as part of the request. This design is intentional as chatty APIs do not scale well due to latency problems.

Yet, CashDB cannot offer predicable performance over arbitrary large requests. Thus, a CashDB instance should specify through its nominal configuration the maximal number of TXOs which can be read or written in a single method call.

Error codes

All methods return a int32_t which should be treated as the error code. When an error is encountered, the behavior of the API is fully unspecified. The client should not make any assumption on the data that might be obtained through a failing method call, beyond the error code itself.

There are three broad classes of problems that can be encountered:

  • Broken client: The client implementation needs a fix.
  • Broken service: The CashDB implementation needs a fix.
  • Misc. happens: A hardware problem or an IT problem is causing a malfunction.

CashDB ensures that all failing method calls have no observable side-effect on the state of the system.


  1. A taxonomy of the Bitcoin applicative landscape, Joannes Vermorel (link)


UTXO storage backend for Bitcoin Cash




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