A web application that transcribes audio and video files using OpenAI's Whisper API, with GPT-4o post-processing for improved formatting.
Combined with chinese translation chrome extension:
- Audio and video file transcription
- Support for large files (auto-splitting)
- Markdown formatted output
- Real-time processing status
- Transcription history
- Copy to clipboard functionality
- Dark mode support
- Background task processing
- Audio: MP3, WAV, M4A, MPGA
- Video: MP4, WEBM
- Python 3.8 or higher
- Redis server
- ffmpeg (for audio processing)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
create a file named .env in the root directory and add the following line: OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key
sudo service redis-server start # On Ubuntu/Debian
celery -A celery_worker.celery worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=4
python app.py