$ export http_proxy=http://proxy:8888
$ export https_proxy=$http_proxy
$ module load xl_r spectrum_mpi cuda
Install Conda
$ cd ~/scratch
$ mkdir AI-CONDA
$ wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-ppc64le.sh
$ bash ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-ppc64le.sh -p AI-CONDA
After reloading
conda install eigen -y
Edit line 7 in /src/modules.h to your path to the Eigen Install
cd /mpi/
mpi_network <Input Dim> <# hidden layers> <layer sizes...> <Output Dim> <Epochs> [--optional]
--mode: "ensemble" default
--activation: "ReLU" default
--batch_size: [1-1024] 512 default
Run a tanh network for 10 epochs with:
16 sub networks
5 input channels
3 hidden layers
10, 20, 15 layer sizes
2 output channels
$ mpirun -np 16 mpi_network 5 3 10 20 15 2 10 --activation tanh
However this only works with the MNIST dataset:
$ mpirun -np 16 mpi_network 784 3 256 256 256 1 10 --activation ELU
"ensemble" - create np separate NNs, with aggregation
"averaged" - after each epoch, each NN recieves an averaged gradient update from across all NNs
cuMatrix is a light-weight Matrix library that utilizes cuBlas and CUDA. The primary goal of this librabry is to provide a simple interface to perform simple linear algebra operations, such as matrix multiplication, transpose, hadamard product, etc. It is best to stress that there are no linear algebra solvers implemented in cuMatrix.
There are two types of operation in cuMatrix: in-place and non-in-place
For example, matrix multiplication
A.dot_(B); // in-place
A.dot(B); // non in-place
The same applies to element-wise operations (which are common operators)
A += B; // in-place
A + B; // non in-place
There are other important functions as well (e.g., pow, sum, exp, log, etc...).
A.pow_(2); // in-place
A.pow(2); // non in-place
Important mathematical functions, however, are non in-place for now.
A.relu(alpha = 2);
A.sign(alpha = 0);