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Read And Write Times

NSFW edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 30 revisions
Device 512k Read 1mb Read Calibration Write 512k Write
ObdLink SX 30:00 ?:?? 4:30 expect over an hour
ObdLink LX 14:00 ?:?? 3:00 expect 35-40 minutes
AllPro 8:00 25:00 [1] 3:30 [2] 18:20
AVT ?:?? ?:?? ?:?? ???
Xpro, Bluetooth 2:30 5:17 0:30 3:00
XPro, USB ?:?? 4:25 18 or 31 0:31

All times are MM:SS. And they're approximate. And some of them are from my memory, which might be faulty.

? means I either haven't tried it (I don't own an AVT) or didn't take notes (AllPro).

[1] This should be closer to 2x the 512kb read speed, so it will probably improve with more tuning of timeouts in the app. [2] This was originally 2:30, which is further evidence that timeouts need to be re-adjusted.