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Ledger Logic Frontend - Vite React App

This branch contains the setup for the Vite React app in the Ledger Logic Frontend project.



  • Check if you have Node installed on your machine by using node -v if this doesn't return a version, please install Node.js as VITE requires it.



  • Check if you have git installed by using git --version
  • If you don't have it or don't have the most recent version, download and install from the Offical Git website
  • Open VSCode, click the extensions button on the left, search for Git and install it.

Getting Started

To work on this Vite React app locally, follow these steps:

Clone the Repository

git clone

Navigate Into the Local Repository

cd Front-End

Create your branch for the feature you're working on (optional)

git checkout -b your-branch-name

Install Dependencies

npm install

Start the Development Server

npm run dev
  • Open the application by accessing the URL that pops up in the terminal. By default, it should be http://localhost:5173/.
  • The web application should now open. The only thing left to do is run the backend server and mail server if you haven't already. Instructions to do so can be found here:

Logging in and accessing features

Pre-created user accounts

You can log in to pre-created user accounts with the following credentials:


username: hrosser0424 password: Password1!


username: bwilson0424 password: Password1!


username: ksmith0424 password: Password1!

Creating a new account

You can create a new account by clicking "Register Now" from the landing page.

Other Features

Instructions for using features within the app can be found in the Help page, accessible from the footer.


Issue: The Page is Blank when I access the URL Solution: Press F12 or Right-click the page and click "inspect" to access the web developer console.

Error Messages:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

  • This error most likely means that your browser or an extension you have is blocking the page from loading. Please disable your ad blocker to allow this page to load.

Missing Dependencies

  • While using npm install should install everything you need to run the application, if you receive any errors regarding dependencies when running the Vite + React application, you can install them using the commands below.
npm install vite
npm install axios
npm install bootstrap
npm install html2canvas
npm install html2pdf.js
npm install react-bootstrap
npm install react-datepicker
npm install react-dom
npm install react-modal
npm install react-router-dom
npm install react-tooltip
npm install reactstrap

React + Vite

Currently, two official plugins are available:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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