- Optimization of agricultural practices for enhanced crop yield is considered an important phenomenon for countries like India. In order to strengthen the economy and also to meet the food demand for the exponentially growing population, optimizing agricultural practices has become a necessity.
- Economic loss due to the lack of information on crop yield productivity is another primary concern in the country. These hurdles can be overcome by the implementation of advanced technology in agriculture.
- At present, India stands second globally in terms of agricultural-based products. The success rates of agriculture practices are majorly influenced by certain factors namely soil fertility, climatic conditions, weather forecast, temperature, water level with the rainfall measures, irrigation condition, fertilizers availability, pesticide used, controlling of weed population, process of cultivation, harvesting methods employed and economic and political scenarios
Landing Page: Attractive user interface and experience of the project, including easy to understand features and design elements.
Crop Prediction: Based on the soil nutrient values, the appropriate crop is predicted. Shows the amount of Nitrogen, Chlorophyll, Phosphorus along with soil Temperatures and Humidity.
Disease Prediction: The disease prediction model is performed by convolution neural network also we have used efficientNetV2S a type of CNN model that has faster speed and better parameters.
Weather Prediction: The weather is predicted through wttr.in which is a weather API used to get the city prediction also by importing requests.
Fertilizer Prediction: Predicts the Fertilizer based on the temperature of the soil, the humidity, moisture, soil type, crop t type, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous
Loan Status: The loan status prediction uses the support vector machine which has different types of factors related to it. Considering the environment it predicts the model accordingly.
ChatBot: It is a helping hand for the farmers because it simulates human-like conversations with users via chat. It can answer to all the problems faced by the farmer.
Read Out Loud: Reads the text on the website and converts it into voice.
What programming language will be used?
- Python
- Javascript
What is the technology used for the product?
- Frontend : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, BootStrap
- Backend: Firebase
- Machine Learning, Keras, Tensorflow
- NumPy , Pandas , seaborn, sklearn