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Writeup for The 2023 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge: A Holiday Odyssey | Featuring 6: Geese A-Lei'ing!

thedead@dellian:~$ whoami

thedead@dellian:~$ whoami

Andrea Lamonato - Cyber Security Engineer

mailto: [email protected]

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               _                         _     
              | |                       (_)    
   _ __   ___ | |_    __ _   _   _ _ __  _     
  | '_ \ / _ \| __|  / _` | | | | | '_ \| |    
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| (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | | | (_| | | | | | |
 \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|
                    __/ |                    

Super Honorable Mention

I got myself a Super Honorable Mention submitting the writeup for this challenge, thank you guys!
super honorable mention


Hey folks, nice seeing you again! This is like the 5th year in a row, it starts to become a habit. Thanks for this year’s challenge: Jack is back! Obviously AI was used along the whole thing, to write code and especially to FORMAT IT - such a time saver! 🙂 Those GB challenges were NICE and coincidentally I just recently started playing Pokemon Black with the Lemuroid emulator, I don’t think I’ll play anything similar to a GameBoy for a while now 🙂 And KUDOS for the again for the effort, I would have never expected lockpicking or satellite challenges! As someone said Every Rose Has Its Thorn and for me it was The Captain's Comms. I would much rather spend days & nights getting defeated by Game Cartridges: Vol 2 than trying to guess a filename, but that’s me 🙂 So…till we meet each other next year!

Gotta fit ‘em all

As this year I could not give you many memes, I wrote a quick downloader that given a JSON of all fishes, obtainable from one of the i: websockets message. The following script can download all the images:

import requests
import requests
import shutil
import json

base_url = "{}.png"
fishes = json.load(open('fish.json', 'r'))

for fish in fishes:
       r = requests.get(base_url.format(fish['hash']), stream=True)
       if r.status_code == 200:
              with open('imgs/fish_downloaded_images/{}_{}.png'.format(fish['name'], fish['hash']), 'wb') as f:
                     r.raw.decode_content = True
                     shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)
                     print("Saved [{}]".format(fish['name']))

Then Gimp’ed it and here I leave you with this nice fish picture. I wanted this to be the last thing you’d see in the report. Say hi to Piscis Cyberneticus Skodo (aka Ed Skoudis) for me and drop me an email if you’d like the image. It has been kind of a thing the last 2 years gotta_catch_em_all Link to the full size image of 250MB


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