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RaspberryPi Setup
Instructions for setting up a fresh RaspberryPi to be used as a drop camera.
In order to flash an SD card with a new image of raspbian, raspberry pi imager must be installed. When the install is done the lauched appication should like something like the below image.
To select an OS to flash click on * CHOOSE OS * and the below menu will pop up
Click on * Raspberry Pi OS (other) * and the below menu will appear
Click on the most recent version of the * Raspberry Pi OS Full (32-bit) * this will put you back to the screen below.
The next step is to click on the gear in the bottom. This will bring up the os configs to which the below settings should be set
Make sure the configs are save then click on * CHOOSE STORAGE * and the below menu will pop up
Click on the SD card to be flashed. When everything is set the Write button will stop being greyed out and will look like the below image. Click on * WRITE *.
To enable I2C the tool raspi-config will be used. To start the tool, type the below command into a terminal window on the pi
sudo raspi-config
Navigating use the arrow keys and selecting with enter, navigate to * interfacing options * like in the below image
The below menu will appear, navigate to * I2C *
The below menu will pop up select * Yes *
After the I2C hardware is enabled a notification message like below me appear
After everything is done, make sure to reboot the Pi to make sure the proper drivers are loaded. The tool may prompt a reboot like the below prompt select * Yes * if it does appear