Usage is not yet documented, but here is a very basic browser usage to get you started:
This example users the /search
endpoint which returns a SELECT2 response.
<div id='md-editor'></div>
const editor = new HiMark.Editor(document.getElementById('md-editor'), {
placeholder: 'Write comment...',
plugins: [
new HiMark.Plugins.CheckboxPlugin(),
new HiMark.Plugins.MentionPlugin({
collections: [
trigger: '@',
lookup: 'text',
fillAttr: 'text',
allowSpaces: true,
selectTemplate: ({ original }) => `[@\${original.text}](#/identity/\${})`,
values: async (text, cb) => {
url: '/search?q=' + encodeURIComponent(text),
success: (data, status, response) => cb(data.results),
yes, it uses jquery... it's just an example and could easily be replaced with fetch