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Version 0.5.0

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@Labbeti Labbeti released this 28 Nov 16:07

[0.5.0] 2024-11-28

Major rework of torchoutil project folders.


  • Tensor typing classes for instance checks like Tensor2D, FloatTensor1D, etc.
  • Function get_key_fn to customize sorting using patterns.
  • Option on_error to load_yaml to ignore yaml scanner and parser exceptions.
  • Function ranks to get the ranking values in a tensor.
  • Function sort_with_patterns to sort values using string-based patterns.
  • Function pad_and_crop_dim and class PadCropDim to pad then crop a tensor along a specified dimension.
  • Function reimport_modules to re-import modules and functions in a notebook.
  • Function checksum_module to compare module weights.
  • Function nelement to get number of elements in Tensor-like object.
  • Function flatten to get flat of elements in Tensors, numpy array, builtins scalars and lists.
  • Added DatasetSlicer class in utils.


  • Rename is_pickle_root to is_packed_root (old name was kept for backward compatibility).
  • Split python functions into a separate directory called pyoutil.