Docker based Workspace configuration to manage deployments on AWS. This includes environment-setup for most common access-scenario's, the awscli package, and packages closely related and/ or used together in practice.
Build and run via Makefile. Mounts repository directory from HOST in container runtime on /git. Default is ~/repositories on HOST (can be changed in Makefile).
Stable points to a directory where packages are version-locked, these are tested frequently on each (sub-) stack in the following repositories;
The devel version contains latest packages and experimental add-ons. Devel is primarly for development and testing of build tools. The stable version is recommended for both production pipelines and regular CloudFormation development.
# ensure AWS credentials are in the HOST environment
# change the variables within brackets
# setting (default) region via environment is highly recommended
# option A -- add when security credentials are temporary
# option B -- add to get new (temporary) credentials via assume-role
# start shell (default target == shell)
# validate AWS environment
make whoami
# pull some CloudFormation code
git clone
# run make (note: make will also keep working when you switch directories)
make deploy template=cloudformation-samples/ApiGateway/PostIt/template.yaml
# delete stack
make delete template=cloudformation-samples/ApiGateway/PostIt/template.yaml
# build is only needed to test specific Dockerfile updates
# other make targets auto-build the image if it not yet exists
make build
# by default the Makefile points to "stable" (=symlink to a version-directory, e.g. v1)
# to use a different version, use the Makefile target= option as follows:
make build target=devel
make target=devel
## Make toolkit update itself (via devel target)
# promote Makefile-, Python package updates to stable
make toolkit
# bootstrap creates an S3 Bucket to hold deployment artifacts
# this is requirement for any new account
cdk bootstrap
# compare configuration versions
cdk diff
# build, and cleanup the infra stack afterwards
cdk deploy
cdk destroy
# more, check: