#Stock Porfolio - Performance Tracker
##Objective To create a savable performance tracker for a user's portfolio of stocks. The tracker will enable the user to login, get real time updates on current and potential stock positions. Users will have the ability to input a stock ticker to get a current market quote, as well as enable the user to enter into a buy or sell transaction for the security. Once a user takes a position, their portfolio will reflect the details of that transaction, (i.e. purchased 10 shares of AAPL@$110.00 on October, 4th). Users will be able to edit their portfolio holdings, via a buy or sell transaction of current holdings, or by taking a new investment position.
- MEAN Stack
- NodeJS
- Express
- AngularJS
- MongoDB
- Gulp
- Mocha/Chai
- Passport for Authentication
- Yahoo Finance API for Stock Data
##Feature List
- Porfolio Tracking of Stock Positions
- Buy/sell transaction recorded with all relevant inputs (buy/sell, price paid, transcation date, etc.)
- aggregate portfolio amount and performance (percentage gain/lost for each position, total percent gain/lost, and dollar amount performance)
- account details (invested assets, cash balance)
- Performance Against Benchmarks since portfolio inception
##Stretch Goals
- Chart Portfolio Value
- Add option on chart to compare performance to other benchmarks
- Use Stock Twits or Twitter API to get users comments on stock performance
- Use Alchemy API to analyize sentiment of news stories or twitter comments (market pulse)