Welcome to the JS code challenge. Below is a set of instructions that you must attempt to complete within 3 days. Good luck :)
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create a web application using any framework you choose. It must be a JavaScript framework and it must follow the user story below.
As a user, I would like to have an application that shows a table of information.
When the user loads the page, they should see a table presented.
The application should return data from http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts
When the user clicks on the header of a table column, it should sort the table.
We will be looking for
- Best practices using your chosen framework
- A complete solution that addresses the user story
Things that you can do to WOW us,
- Stylistic flair
- Unit testing
When completed, submit your code to GitHub and send us a link to your solution!
[KumarSumit] - Steps to run the code
- If npm is not there, please install npm in your system.
- Run npm install
- Run bower install
- grunt startServer will start the server. Hit your localhost( with 3000 port number to see the application.Hit
- To see test, run karma start.
NOTE: Unit test for directive is not done, as there seems some issue with templateUrl. It might need some config changes in karma to load the template which i am not sure of.