FMI4cpp is a cross-platform FMI 2.0 implementation written in modern C++.
Influenced by it's spiritual brother FMI4j, it aims to be an easy to install, easy to use, object oriented and fast FMI implementation for C++.
FMI4cpp supports both Co-simulation and Model Exchange.
Because it provides a clean, easy to use API and is easy to install. It perform just as good as FMI Library, provides more features and is significantly easier to both build and use.
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#include <iostream>
#include <fmi4cpp/fmi4cpp.hpp>
using namespace fmi4cpp;
const double stop = ...;
const double stepSize = ...;
int main()
fmi2::fmu fmu("path/to/fmu.fmu");
auto cs_fmu = fmu.as_cs_fmu();
auto me_fmu = fmu.as_me_fmu();
auto cs_md = cs_fmu->get_model_description(); //smart pointer to a cs_model_description instance
std::cout << "model_identifier=" << cs_md->model_identifier << std::endl;
auto me_md = me_fmu->get_model_description(); //smart pointer to a me_model_description instance
std::cout << "model_identifier=" << me_md->model_identifier << std::endl;
auto var = cs_md->get_variable_by_name("my_var").as_real();
std::cout << "Name=" << << ", start=" << var.start().value_or(0) << std::endl;
auto slave = cs_fmu->new_instance();
double t;
double value;
auto vr = var.valueReference();
while ( (t = slave->get_simulation_time()) <= stop) {
if (!slave->step(stepSize)) {
std::cerr << "Error! step() returned with status: " << to_string(slave->last_status()) << std::endl;
if (!slave->read_real(vr, value)) {
std::cerr << "Error! step() returned with status: " << to_string(slave->last_status()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "t=" << t << ", " << << "=" << value << std::endl;
return 0;
Would you rather simulate or build FMUs in Java? Check out FMI4j!
Perhaps you want to build FMUs using plain Python? Check out PythonFMU!
Need to distribute your FMUs? FMU-proxy to the rescue!