kerbero is a web application, that allows to interface with multiple smart-lock devices in a single place. More information can be found in the GitHub wiki of the repository.
The projects depend on the following tools and languages:
- dotnet cli
- .NET 7.0+
- C#11
- Vue3.0+
- node and npm
It is provided a script to setup the project. In order to run the packages download run:
The web-api must be configured in a .env file. There is a file inside the web-api/src/Kerbero.WebApi/ folder named .env-example, which can be renamed and completed.
After the setup, you need to run the script ./
to launch the environment. The script run kerbero in a in development environment, as such it needs docker engine to be running.
The web api needs particular conditions to run. Please, refers to the documentation inside the project to generate the required files and setup the environment properly.