IaaC roadmap to create:
- VPC (Internet gateway, subnets, route table, security groups);
Domain + Certificates(ACM); - ECR + Docker (repository, Docker build) - FastAPI image;
- ECS (cluster, service, task definition) - FastAPI service;
- SSM (parameters with path);
- SES (domain identity, email identity, register Route53 records);
- SNS (topic);
- CloudWatch (log group, alarm);
- SQS (queue);
- Lambda Layer (with .zip creation);
- Lambda Function (with layer(s), from source code);
- API Gateway (API, mapping, cognito, lambda, domain);
- API Gateway (Websocket + lambda);
- Amplify (Vue.js example app);
- Cognito (user pool, domain, JWT authorizer);
- Cognito oAuth2 (GitHub, Google, etc...);
- RDS (PostgreSQL);
- RDS (Aurora);
- ElastiCache (cluster, DB, connection via VPN endpoint);
- API Gateway (file upload to S3);
- API Gateway (Websocket
+ Request Authorizer); - IoT Core (certificates, rule, thing, thing group);
- S3 with CloudFront (distribute mkdocs-material build, add Basic Auth);
- VPC (NAT Gateway, VPN Endpoint, Elastic IP);
- DynamoDB;
- CodeCommit (repository, approval templates, trigger);
- CodePipeline;
- CodeBuild;
- CodeDeploy;
Terraform format
terraform fmt -recursive
Terraform validate
terraform validate
Terraform plan
terraform plan
- Create Layer
terraform apply -var-file=".dev.tfvars" -auto-approve -target="module.MyLayers"
- Create SSM parameters
terraform apply -var-file=".dev.tfvars" -auto-approve -target="module.MySSM"
- Create SESv2
terraform apply -var-file=".dev.tfvars" -auto-approve -target="module.MySES"
For SES it requires extra step (download .csv with extra TXT records to verify domain).
- Run terraform apply with
and auto approve.
terraform apply -var-file=".dev.tfvars" -auto-approve