- 😄 Pronouns: she/her
- 📝 Background: curriculum vitae
- 💬 General Info: I'm a computer science postgraduate student at NYU Tandon💜 -- based in NYC🌃.
- 👩🏽💻I primarily work in Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, C++, Xcode/Swift, and C# with Unity.
- ❣ I'm passionate about applied AI, XR, robotics, and technological intersections to accessibility, equity, and healthcare.
- 🔭 I’m currently pursuing various research projects centering around machine learning. Some of my more recent papers include Data-Driven Classification of Human Movements in Virtual Reality and Algorithmic Classification Models for Static Sign Language Processing.
- 📝 Apart from my open source work seen in the repositories below, I also have experience in autonomous robotics programming, data visualization research, and telerobotic impotence modeling: all of which you can read about on my ✨LinkedIn✨.
- Outside of my research, I am also a drummer🍗, martial artist🥋, and a polyglot🗣️.
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn (KoraSHughes) or [email protected] - ⚡ Fun fact: I speak English, Español, & 日本語 |