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Adding Tests

Pyry Haulos edited this page Jan 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

NOTE: For coding conventions see Contributing page.

Test group and test case naming

  • Use lowercase_with_underscores style
  • Uppercase letters and dash are very rarely used but not entirely banned
  • Try to limit test case/group names to <80 chars and total paths (dEQP-VK.your_group.your_case) to <200 chars
  • Not currently strictly enforced
  • Try to not have more than a hundred or so direct children (child groups or cases) per group
  • Again, not strictly enforced, but often helps to guide towards more understandable hierarchy

Vulkan tests

Vulkan test module containing all test code can be found under external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan.

Simple tests

See external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/api/vktApiSmokeTests.cpp for example test code.

Basic Vulkan test is a function of following type:

#include "vktTestCase.hpp"

tcu::TestStatus testFooBar (Context& context, Arg0 arg0)
    return tcu::TestStatus::pass("All checks passed");

Where Arg0 is optional. These tests must be connected to the test hierarchy. For example:

// For addFunctionCase()
#include "vktTestCaseUtil.hpp"

// For createTestGroup()
#include "vktTestGroupUtil.hpp"

void populateMyTestGroup (tcu::TestCaseGroup* testGroup)
    addFunctionCase(testGroup, "foo_bar", "Foo Bar", testFooBar, arg0Value);

// Somewhere in existing test code (perhaps vktTestPackage.cpp)
void populateRootGroup (tcu::TestCaseGroup* rootGroup)
    addTestGroup(rootGroup, "my_tests", "My Tests", populateMyTestGroup);

Test Context

Test cases can access various utilities and resources through vkt::Context (see external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/vktTestCase.hpp) provided to them. The most commonly used utilities are:

  • context.getTestContext().getLog(): Test log, see framework/common/tcuTestLog.hpp
  • context.getDevice(): Default VkDevice
  • context.getDeviceInterface(): Default vk::DeviceInterface providing access to device-level Vulkan API entry points.