A python project that reads and writes satellite data, as well as read and process labels
If you want to process data locally, try the following command
Inside the project folder, run the following docker command to build an image of the project:
docker image build -t labellize .
To be able to visualize the labels from the container, you need to have XQuartz installed on your machine.
Once running you open XQuartz terminal and run:
xhost +
Next open a new terminal session and set a variable environment called $IP to serve the connection between the container and the x11 GUI. Use the following command:
export IP=$(/usr/sbin/ipconfig getifaddr en0)
echo $IP
Now Execute the docker run command, which also mount the folder where the levels and images exists to the home folder of the container:
docker run -it -e DISPLAY="${IP}:0" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v <DATA-FOLDER>:/home labellize <IMAGE-ID> <SAT-IMAGES-FOLDER> <JSON-FILE-LABELS>