Angular implementation of the unleash-proxy-client.
npm install @karelics/angular-unleash-proxy-client
Install unleash-proxy-client if it is not installed yet.
npm install unleash-proxy-client
karelics/angular-unleash-proxy-client should be initialized once in AppModule (or bootstrap standalone component).
import { provideUnleashProxy } from '@karelics/angular-unleash-proxy-client';
providers: [
url: unleash_proxy_url,
clientKey: client_key,
appName: app_name,
You can use directives to conditionally show/hide content based on feature flag states:
<!-- Show content when feature is enabled -->
<div *featureEnabled="'myFeature'">
Feature is enabled
<!-- Show content when feature is disabled -->
<div *featureDisabled="'myFeature'">
Feature is disabled
<!-- With else template -->
<div *featureEnabled="'myFeature'; else disabled">
Feature is enabled
<ng-template #disabled>
Feature is disabled
<!-- Show when ANY feature is enabled (OR) -->
<div *featureEnabled="['feature1', 'feature2']">
Either feature1 OR feature2 is enabled
<!-- Show when ALL features are enabled (AND) -->
<div *featureEnabled="['feature1', 'feature2'] operator 'and'">
Both feature1 AND feature2 are enabled
<!-- With else template -->
<div *featureEnabled="['feature1', 'feature2'] operator 'and'; else notAllEnabled">
All features are enabled
<ng-template #notAllEnabled>
Not all features are enabled
<!-- Similar usage for featureDisabled -->
<div *featureDisabled="['feature1', 'feature2'] operator 'or'">
Either feature1 OR feature2 is disabled
You can protect routes using feature flags:
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'protected',
component: ProtectedComponent,
canActivate: [featureEnabled('myFeature')]
path: 'protected-with-redirect',
component: ProtectedComponent,
canActivate: [featureEnabled('myFeature', '/access-denied')]
const routes: Routes = [
// Route accessible when ANY feature is enabled
path: 'protected-or',
component: ProtectedComponent,
canActivate: [featureEnabled(['feature1', 'feature2'])]
// Route accessible when ALL features are enabled
path: 'protected-and',
component: ProtectedComponent,
canActivate: [featureEnabled(['feature1', 'feature2'], 'and')]
// With redirect URL
path: 'protected-with-redirect',
component: ProtectedComponent,
canActivate: [featureEnabled(['feature1', 'feature2'], 'and', '/access-denied')]
// Similar usage for featureDisabled
path: 'disabled-features',
component: DisabledComponent,
canActivate: [featureDisabled(['feature1', 'feature2'], 'or', '/dashboard')]
You can also use the UnleashService directly. UnleashService has the following logic around original unleash proxy client service:
- wraps original service events into observables
- provides isEnabled/isDisabled methods to check current toggle state
- provides isEnabled$/isDisabled$ methods returning observable to be informed about toggle state changes
Other unleash service features can be accessed with unleash property.
import { UnleashService } from '@karelics/angular-unleash-proxy-client';
export class MyService {
private unleashService = inject(UnleashService);
checkFeature() {
// Synchronous check
if (this.unleashService.isEnabled('myFeature')) {
// Feature is enabled
// Reactive check (don't forget to unsubscribe)
updateContext(): void {
Feature toggles state is requested from unleash proxy each time on page load, but by default unleash proxy client every 30 seconds requests updates from unleash proxy to perform runtime changes. If requesting state on page load if enough in your case, you can disable updates using unleash configuration:
import { provideUnleashProxy } from '@karelics/angular-unleash-proxy-client';
providers: [
... // other options
disableRefresh: true,
disableMetrics: true,