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Coding Standard Used For StratusGFX

Justin edited this page Apr 2, 2023 · 1 revision

StratusGFX this is the C++ coding standard that I've adopted over time. They're not extremely strict but the goal is to try and keep things consistent and readable while helping avoid bugs and performance issues.

General Guidelines

-> Classes, structs and functions start with a capital letter

-> Variables start with lower case letters and use camelCase

-> Private functions and variables end with underscore _

void PrivateMemberFunction_();
int privateMemberVariable_;

-> Preprocessor definitions are fully capitalized with words separated by underscore _

#define MACRO_NAME expression


-> Always prefer std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr for automatic memory management

-> If new is used, adhere to RAII principles as much as possible to avoid memory leaks

Use of Const

-> When possible mark variables as const to signal their data won't change

-> If a class function is not supposed to modify object state, mark it const

-> Always prefer passing by const reference to avoid unnecessary data copying

Use of Standard Library

-> Usage of C++ standard containers and algorithms is preferred whenever possible since they are well-tested and have generally good performance

-> assert and static_assert are great to prevent us from making a change that breaks a fundamental requirement