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Nuget Release 4.1.2
After the last "minor fix", here's another "minor" fix.
- Fixed #18 - Images could fail to load in other programs due to slightly too small filesize.
- Fixed #16 - Previews monochromatic - They were actually the 4x4 mipmap.
- Fixed #15 - Bulk Convert can now be used to bulk generate mips without recompression (use other Settings with caution, could force a recompress)
- *Fixed #14 *
-- Previews can still be dragged offscreen, but can be dragged back, or reset with Right Click. (Added hit detection outside image.
-- Image Dimension indicator size fixed so they no longer overlap or drift apart based on window size.
-- Preview Zoom quality can be set in the Settings panel. May allow seeing pixels more accurately.
-- Window now has minimum dimensions.
-- Bulk Convert panel size fixed to prevent random layout changes.
-- Loading errors should now be more useful.