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wrote scattering from effective plate. Still needs testing.
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arturgower committed Mar 10, 2021
1 parent 9eb4885 commit c6ad025
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Showing 8 changed files with 98 additions and 69 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ApproxFun = "0.9, 0.10, ^0.11"
ApproxFun = "0.9, 0.10, ^0.11,^0.12"
GSL = "0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0"
MDBM = "0.1"
MultipleScattering = "^0.1.5"
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Optim = "0.22, 1"
Polynomials = "0.8"
RecipesBase = "1.0"
Reexport = "0.2"
SpecialFunctions = "0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 10.0"
SpecialFunctions = "0.3, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 1.0"
StaticArrays = "0.8,0.9,0.10,0.11,0.12"
julia = "1"

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55 changes: 17 additions & 38 deletions docs/src/manual/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,30 +119,32 @@ s1 = Specie(
radius2 = 0.002
s2 = Specie(
Acoustic(spatial_dim; ρ=0.2, c=4.1), radius2;
Acoustic(spatial_dim; ρ=0.00001, c=0.1), radius2;
#Acoustic(spatial_dim; ρ=0.2, c=4.1), radius2;

species = [s1,s2]
species = [s2]

# Choose the frequency
ω = 1e-2
k = ω / real(medium.c)

# Check that we are indeed in a low frequency limit
k * radius2 < 1e-4

# For the limit of low frequencies we can define
eff_medium = effective_medium(medium, species)

normal = [0.0,0.0,-1.0] # an outward normal to the surface

# Define the material region
material = Material(Halfspace(normal),species)
# Define a plate
normal = [0.0,0.0,-1.0] # an outward normal to both surfaces of the plate
width = 1.0 # plate width
plate1 = Plate(normal,width)

# define a plane wave source travelling at a 45 degree angle in relation to the material
source = PlaneSource(medium, [cos(pi/4.0),0.0,sin(pi/4.0)])

R = reflection_coefficient(ω,source, eff_medium, material.shape)
amps = planewave_amplitudes(ω, source, eff_medium, plate1);
Ramp = amps[1]
Tamp = amps[2]

# output

Expand All @@ -155,41 +157,18 @@ Using only one plane wave mode we can calculate both reflection and transmission

```julia 2
k_effs = wavenumbers(ω, medium, species; tol = 1e-6, num_wavenumbers = 1, basis_order = 1)

# Define a plate
normal = [0.0,0.0,-1.0] # an outward normal to both surfaces of the plate
width = 1.0 # plate width

# Define the material region
material = Material(Plate(normal,width),species)

basis_order = 1;
kws = Dict(:basis_order => basis_order)

MM = eigensystem(ω, source, material; kws...)

# calculate eigenvectors
using LinearAlgebra

k_eff = k_effs[1]
MM_svd = svd(MM(k_eff))
v1 = MM_svd.V[:,end]

k_eff = -k_effs[1]
MM_svd = svd(MM(k_eff))
v2 = MM_svd.V[:,end]

abs(k_eff - ω / eff_medium.c) < 1e-12

vecs = eigenvectors(ω, k_effs[1], source, material; kws...)

plate = Plate(normal,width)
material = Material(plate,species)

# Calculate the wavemode for the first wavenumber
wave1 = WaveMode(ω, k_effs[1], source, material; tol = 1e-6, basis_order = 1)
# the WaveMode function calculates the types of waves and solves the needed boundary conditions
wavemodes = WaveMode(ω, k_eff, source, material; tol = 1e-6, basis_order = 1);

material_scattering_coefficients(wavemodes, source, material)

Currently implementing... formulas from [Gower & Kristensson 2020](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/EffectiveWaves.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export dispersion_equation, dispersion_complex, eigensystem # supplies a matrix

export scattering_amplitudes_average

export reflection_coefficient, reflection_coefficients
export reflection_coefficient, reflection_coefficients, planewave_amplitudes
export effective_medium

# List of shorthand for some materials
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/acoustics/effective_wave/planewaves/boundary_condition.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,38 +43,38 @@ function solve_boundary_condition(ω::T, k_eff::Complex{T}, eigvectors1::Array{C

scale_number_density = one(T) - one(T) / material.numberofparticles

# First we calculate the innerward pointing normal
# First we calculate the outward pointing normal
n = material.shape.normal;
n = n .* sign(real(dot(n,psource.direction)));
n = - n .* sign(real(dot(n,psource.direction)));

# calculate the distances from the origin to the two faces of the plate
Z0 = dot(material.shape.normal, material.shape.origin)
Z1 = Z0 - material.shape.width / T(2)
Z2 = Z0 + material.shape.width / T(2)
Z0 = dot(-n, material.shape.origin)
Z1 = Z0 - material.shape.width / 2
Z2 = Z0 + material.shape.width / 2

# next the components of the wavenumbers in the direction of the inward normal
direction1 = transmission_direction(k_eff, (ω / psource.medium.c) * psource.direction, -n)
direction2 = transmission_direction(- k_eff, (ω / psource.medium.c) * psource.direction, -n)
direction1 = transmission_direction(k_eff, (ω / psource.medium.c) * psource.direction, n)
direction2 = transmission_direction(- k_eff, (ω / psource.medium.c) * psource.direction, n)

k =/ psource.medium.c)
kz = k * dot(conj(n), psource.direction)
k1_effz = k_eff * dot(conj(n), direction1)
k2_effz = k_eff * dot(conj(n), direction2)
kz = k * dot(-conj(n), psource.direction)
k1_effz = k_eff * dot(-conj(n), direction1)
k2_effz = k_eff * dot(-conj(n), direction2)

rθφ = cartesian_to_radial_coordinates(psource.direction);

Ys = spherical_harmonics(basis_order, rθφ[2], rθφ[3]);
lm_to_n = lm_to_spherical_harmonic_index

I1(F::Array{Complex{T}}, k_effz::Complex{T}) = sum(
- F[lm_to_n(dl,dm),j,1] * Ys[lm_to_n(dl,dm)] * im^T(dl+1) * T(2π) * T(1)^dl *
- F[lm_to_n(dl,dm),j,1] * Ys[lm_to_n(dl,dm)] * im^T(dl+1) * T(2π) * T(-1)^dl *
exp(im * (k_effz - kz)*(Z1 + outer_radius(material.species[j]))) *
scale_number_density * number_density(material.species[j]) / (k*kz * (kz - k_effz))
for dl = 0:basis_order for dm = -dl:dl, j in eachindex(material.species))

I2(F::Array{Complex{T}}, k_effz::Complex{T}) = sum(
- F[lm_to_n(dl,dm),j,1] * Ys[lm_to_n(dl,dm)] * im^T(dl+1) * T(2π) * T(1)^dm *
exp(im * (k_effz - kz)*(Z2 - outer_radius(material.species[j]))) *
- F[lm_to_n(dl,dm),j,1] * Ys[lm_to_n(dl,dm)] * im^T(dl+1) * T(2π) * T(-1)^dm *
exp(im * (k_effz + kz)*(Z2 - outer_radius(material.species[j]))) *
scale_number_density * number_density(material.species[j]) / (k*kz * (kz + k_effz))
for dl = 0:basis_order for dm = -dl:dl, j in eachindex(material.species))

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,61 @@ function reflection_coefficient(ω::T, wave_eff::EffectivePlaneWaveMode{T}, psou
return R

function material_scattering_coefficients(wavemodes::Vector{E}, psource::PlaneSource{T,3,1,Acoustic{T,3}}, material::Material{3,Plate{T,3}}) where {T<:AbstractFloat,Dim, E<:EffectivePlaneWaveMode{T,Dim}}

# Unpacking parameters
k = real(wavemodes[1].ω / psource.medium.c)

species = material.species
S = length(species)
rs = outer_radius.(species)

ho = maximum(w.basis_order for w in wavemodes)
ls, ms = spherical_harmonics_indices(ho)

# make the normal outward pointing
plate = material.shape
n = plate.normal / norm(plate.normal)
if real(dot(n,psource.direction)) > 0
n = -n

rθφ = cartesian_to_radial_coordinates(psource.direction)
Ys = spherical_harmonics(ho, rθφ[2], rθφ[3]);

direction_ref = psource.direction - 2 * dot(n,psource.direction) * n
rθφ = cartesian_to_radial_coordinates(direction_ref)
Yrefs = spherical_harmonics(ho, rθφ[2], rθφ[3]);

Z0 = dot(-n,plate.origin - psource.position)
Z1 = Z0 - plate.width / 2
Z2 = Z0 + plate.width / 2

kcos_in = k * dot(- conj(n), psource.direction)

RTs = map(wavemodes) do w
kcos_eff = w.wavenumber * dot(- conj(n), w.direction)

Rp = sum(
number_density(species[i[2]]) * w.eigenvectors[i] * 2pi * (1.0im)^(ls[i[1]]-1) *
Yrefs[i[1]] * (exp(im*(kcos_eff + kcos_in)*(Z2 - rs[i[2]])) - exp(im*(kcos_eff + kcos_in)*(Z1 + rs[i[2]]))) /
((kcos_in + kcos_eff) * k * kcos_in)
for i in CartesianIndices(w.eigenvectors))

Tp = sum(
number_density(species[i[2]]) * w.eigenvectors[i] * 2pi * (-1.0)^ls[i[1]] * (1.0im)^(ls[i[1]]+1) *
Ys[i[1]] * (exp(im*(kcos_eff - kcos_in)*(Z2 - rs[i[2]])) - exp(im*(kcos_eff - kcos_in)*(Z1 + rs[i[2]]))) /
((kcos_in - kcos_eff) * k * kcos_in)
for i in CartesianIndices(w.eigenvectors))

[Rp, Tp]

Ramp, Tamp = sum(RTs) + [0.0,1.0]

return [Ramp, Tamp]

"The average reflection coefficient"
function wienerhopf_reflection_coefficient::T, psource::PlaneSource{T,2,1,Acoustic{T,2}}, material::Material{2,Halfspace{T,2}};
tol::T = T(1e-7),
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/acoustics/export.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ include("low_frequency.jl")


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21 changes: 8 additions & 13 deletions src/acoustics/low_frequency.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ function reflection_coefficient(ω::T, psource::PlaneSource{T,Dim,1,Acoustic{T,D

planewave_coefficients(psource::PlaneSource, reflect_medium::Acoustic, plate::Plate)
planewave_amplitudes(psource::PlaneSource, reflect_medium::Acoustic, plate::Plate)
Calculates the coefficients, or amplityudes, of the plane waves scattering from and transmitted inside the plate, for the plane wave source `psource` and the `plate`. The function returns `[R, T, P1, P2]` where `R` is the reflection coefficient, `T` is the coefficient of the transmitted wave, and `P1` (`P2`) are the amplitudes of the wave travling forward (backward) inside the plate.
Calculates the coefficients, or amplitudes, of the plane waves scattering from and transmitted inside the plate, for the plane wave source `psource` and the `plate`. The function returns `[R, T, P1, P2]` where `R` is the reflection coefficient, `T` is the coefficient of the transmitted wave, and `P1` (`P2`) are the amplitudes of the wave travling forward (backward) inside the plate.
function planewave_coefficients::T, psource::PlaneSource{T,Dim,1,Acoustic{T,Dim}}, plate_medium::Acoustic{T,Dim}, plate::Plate{T,Dim}) where {T<:AbstractFloat,Dim}
function planewave_amplitudes::T, psource::PlaneSource{T,Dim,1,Acoustic{T,Dim}}, plate_medium::Acoustic{T,Dim}, plate::Plate{T,Dim}) where {T<:AbstractFloat,Dim}

k0 = ω / psource.medium.c
k1 = if abs(plate_medium.c) == zero(T)
Expand All @@ -85,17 +85,12 @@ function planewave_coefficients(ω::T, psource::PlaneSource{T,Dim,1,Acoustic{T,D
Z1 = Z0 - plate.width / T(2)
Z2 = Z0 + plate.width / T(2)

UR = (C0 - C1)*(C0 + C1) * exp(2im*k0*Z1*cos(θ0)) * (exp(2im*k1*Z1*cos(θ1)) - exp(2im*k1*Z2*cos(θ1))) /
((C0 + C1)^2 * exp(2im*k1*Z1*cos(θ1)) - (C0 - C1)^2 * exp(2im*k1*Z2*cos(θ1)))
denom = ((C0 + C1)^2 * exp(2im*k1*Z1*cos(θ1)) - (C0 - C1)^2 * exp(2im*k1*Z2*cos(θ1)));

UP1 = 2C0*(C0 + C1) * exp(im*Z1*(k0*cos(θ0) + k1*cos(θ1))) /
((C0 + C1)^2*exp(2im*k1*Z1*cos(θ1)) - (C0 - C1)^2*exp(2im*k1*Z2*cos(θ1)))

UP2 = 2*C0*(C0 - C1)*exp(im*(k0*Z1*cos(θ0) + k1*(Z1 + 2*Z2)*cos(θ1))) /
(-((C0 + C1)^2*exp((2*im)*k1*Z1*cos(θ1))) + (C0 - C1)^2*exp(2im*k1*Z2*cos(θ1)))

UT = 4*C0*C1*exp(im*(k0*(Z1 - Z2)*cos(θ0) + k1*(Z1 + Z2)*cos(θ1))) /
((C0 + C1)^2*exp(2im*k1*Z1*cos(θ1)) - (C0 - C1)^2*exp(2im*k1*Z2*cos(θ1)))
UR = (C0 - C1)*(C0 + C1) * exp(2im*k0*Z1*cos(θ0)) * (exp(2im*k1*Z1*cos(θ1)) - exp(2im*k1*Z2*cos(θ1))) / denom
UP1 = 2C0*(C0 + C1) * exp(im*Z1*(k0*cos(θ0) + k1*cos(θ1))) / denom
UP2 = - 2*C0*(C0 - C1)*exp(im*(k0*Z1*cos(θ0) + k1*(Z1 + 2*Z2)*cos(θ1))) / denom
UT = 4*C0*C1*exp(im*(k0*(Z1 - Z2)*cos(θ0) + k1*(Z1 + Z2)*cos(θ1))) / denom

return [UR, UT, UP1, UP2]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/effective_wave/wavemode.jl
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Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function WaveMode(ω::T, wavenumber::Complex{T}, psource::PlaneSource{T,Dim,1},
direction2 = transmission_direction(- wavenumber, (ω / psource.medium.c) * psource.direction, material.shape.normal)
eigvectors2 = eigenvectors(ω, - wavenumber, psource, material; direction_eff = direction2, kws...)

α = solve_boundary_condition(ω, k_eff, eigvectors1, eigvectors2, psource, material; kws...)
α = solve_boundary_condition(ω, wavenumber, eigvectors1, eigvectors2, psource, material; kws...)

# apply normalisation
eigvectors1[:,:,1] = eigvectors1[:,:,1] .* α[1]
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