StochDynamicProgramming v0.6.0
Closed issues:
- Move StochDynamicProgramming.jl inside JuliaStochOpt community (#160)
- example/dam.jl calls solver.jl (#161)
- Run femtocleaner (#166)
- Missing DocStringExtensions in REQUIRE of latest release v0.5.0 (#167)
- incompatible with Julia 1.0 (#168)
- StochDynamic Programming Fails to Load in Julia 1.0 (Nullable not defined) (#171)
Merged pull requests:
- Update Discourse logo (#162) (@blegat)
- Refactoring (#164) (@frapac)
- Fix deprecations (#165) (@femtocleaner[bot])
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#172) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Available with JuMP v0.19 or higher AND Julia 1.3.1 or higher available. (#173) (@mrchaos)
- Fix a bug in SDDP after update to JuMP 0.19 (#175) (@frapac)
- Update continuous integration (#176) (@frapac)