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Specialisation of mul! for left multiplication with scalars (#173)
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Co-authored-by: Daniel Karrasch <[email protected]>
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krcools and dkarrasch authored Jun 2, 2022
1 parent 98843dd commit 12c13fb
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Showing 20 changed files with 374 additions and 97 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Literate = "98b081ad-f1c9-55d3-8b20-4c87d4299306"
BenchmarkTools = "1"
Documenter = "0.25, 0.26, 0.27"
Literate = "2"
Literate = "2"
30 changes: 23 additions & 7 deletions docs/src/custom.jl
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Base.size(A::MyFillMap) = A.size

# By a couple of defaults provided for all subtypes of `LinearMap`, we only need to define
# a `LinearAlgebra.mul!` method to have minimal, operational type.
# a `LinearMaps._unsafe_mul!` method to have a minimal, operational type. The (internal)
# function `_unsafe_mul!` is called by `LinearAlgebra.mul!`, constructors, and conversions
# and only needs to be concerned with the bare computing kernel. Dimension checking is done
# on the level of `mul!` etc. Factoring out dimension checking is done to minimise overhead
# caused by repetitive checking.

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::AbstractVecOrMat, A::MyFillMap, x::AbstractVector)
LinearMaps.check_dim_mul(y, A, x)
function LinearMaps._unsafe_mul!(y::AbstractVecOrMat, A::MyFillMap, x::AbstractVector)
return fill!(y, iszero(A.λ) ? zero(eltype(y)) : A.λ*sum(x))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ using BenchmarkTools

LinearMaps.MulStyle(A::MyFillMap) = FiveArg()

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(
function LinearMaps._unsafe_mul!(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ typeof(A')
try A'x catch e println(e) end

# If the operator is symmetric or Hermitian, the transpose and the adjoint, respectively,
# of the linear map `A` is given by `A` itself. So let's define corresponding checks.
# of the linear map `A` is given by `A` itself. So let us define corresponding checks.

LinearAlgebra.issymmetric(A::MyFillMap) = A.size[1] == A.size[2]
LinearAlgebra.ishermitian(A::MyFillMap) = isreal(A.λ) && A.size[1] == A.size[2]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,22 +157,35 @@ try MyFillMap(5.0, (3, 4))' * ones(3) catch e println(e) end
# The first option is to write `LinearAlgebra.mul!` methods for the corresponding wrapped
# map types; for instance,

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(
function LinearMaps._unsafe_mul!(
LinearMaps.check_dim_mul(y, transA, x)
λ = transA.lmap.λ
return fill!(y, iszero(λ) ? zero(eltype(y)) : transpose(λ)*sum(x))

# Now, the adjoint multiplication works.

MyFillMap(5.0, (3, 4))' * ones(3)

# If you have set the `MulStyle` trait to `FiveArg()`, you should provide a corresponding
# 5-arg `mul!` method for `LinearMaps.TransposeMap{<:Any,<:MyFillMap}` and
# `LinearMaps.AdjointMap{<:Any,<:MyFillMap}`.

# ### Path 2: Invariant `LinearMap` subtypes

# Before we start, let us delete the previously defined method to make sure we use the
# following definitions.

(AbstractVecOrMat, LinearMaps.TransposeMap{<:Any,<:MyFillMap}, AbstractVector))

# The seconnd option is when your class of linear maps that are modelled by your custom
# `LinearMap` subtype are invariant under taking adjoints and transposes.

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@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# Version history

## What's new in v3.7
* `mul!(M::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, s::Number, a, b)` methods are provided, mimicking
similar methods in `Base.LinearAlgebra`. This version allows for the memory efficient
implementation of in-place addition and conversion of a `LinearMap` to `Matrix`.
Efficient specialisations for `WrappedMap`, `ScaledMap`, and `LinearCombination` are
provided. If users supply the corresponding `_unsafe_mul!` method for their custom maps,
conversion, construction, and inplace addition will benefit from this supplied efficient
implementation. If no specialisation is supplied, a generic fallback is used that is based
on feeding the canonical basis of unit vectors to the linear map.

* A new map type called `EmbeddedMap` is introduced. It is a wrapper of a "small" `LinearMap`
(or a suitably converted `AbstractVecOrMat`) embedded into a "larger" zero map. Hence,
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ Base.:*(::AbstractMatrix,::LinearMap)
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118 changes: 97 additions & 21 deletions src/LinearMaps.jl
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Expand Up @@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ with either `A` or `B`.
## Examples
```jldoctest; setup=(using LinearAlgebra, LinearMaps)
julia> A=LinearMap([1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0]); B=[1.0, 1.0]; Y = similar(B); mul!(Y, A, B);
julia> A=LinearMap([1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0]); B=ones(2); Y = similar(B); mul!(Y, A, B);
julia> Y
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> A=LinearMap([1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0]); B=[1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0]; Y = similar(B); mul!(Y, A, B);
julia> A=LinearMap([1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0]); B=ones(4,4); Y = similar(B); mul!(Y, A, B);
julia> Y
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
Expand All @@ -162,6 +162,35 @@ function mul!(y::AbstractVecOrMat, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector)
check_dim_mul(y, A, x)
return _unsafe_mul!(y, A, x)
# the following is of interest in, e.g., subspace-iteration methods
function mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix)
check_dim_mul(Y, A, X)
return _unsafe_mul!(Y, A, X)

mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, b::Number) -> Y
Scales the matrix representation of the linear map `A` by `b` and stores the result in `Y`,
overwriting the existing value of `Y`.
## Examples
```jldoctest; setup=(using LinearAlgebra, LinearMaps)
julia> A = LinearMap{Int}(cumsum, 3); b = 2; Y = Matrix{Int}(undef, (3,3));
julia> mul!(Y, A, b)
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
2 0 0
2 2 0
2 2 2
function mul!(y::AbstractVecOrMat, A::LinearMap, s::Number)
size(y) == size(A) ||
DimensionMismatch("y has size $(size(y)), A has size $(size(A))."))
return _unsafe_mul!(y, A, s)

mul!(C::AbstractVecOrMat, A::LinearMap, B::AbstractVector, α, β) -> C
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,6 +226,46 @@ function mul!(y::AbstractVecOrMat, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector, α::Number,
check_dim_mul(y, A, x)
return _unsafe_mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
function mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix, α::Number, β::Number)
check_dim_mul(Y, A, X)
return _unsafe_mul!(Y, A, X, α, β)

mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, b::Number, α::Number, β::Number) -> Y
Scales the matrix representation of the linear map `A` by `b*α`, adds the result to `Y*β`
and stores the final result in `Y`, overwriting the existing value of `Y`.
## Examples
```jldoctest; setup=(using LinearAlgebra, LinearMaps)
julia> A = LinearMap{Int}(cumsum, 3); b = 2; Y = ones(Int, (3,3));
julia> mul!(Y, A, b, 2, 1)
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
5 1 1
5 5 1
5 5 5
function mul!(y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, s::Number, α::Number, β::Number)
size(y) == size(A) ||
DimensionMismatch("y has size $(size(y)), A has size $(size(A))."))
return _unsafe_mul!(y, A, s, α, β)

_unsafe_mul!(y, A::MapOrVecOrMat, x) = mul!(y, A, x)
_unsafe_mul!(y, A::AbstractVecOrMat, x, α, β) = mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
_unsafe_mul!(y::AbstractVecOrMat, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector, α, β) =
_generic_mapvec_mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
_unsafe_mul!(y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractMatrix) =
_generic_mapmat_mul!(y, A, x)
_unsafe_mul!(y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractMatrix, α::Number, β::Number) =
_generic_mapmat_mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
_unsafe_mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, s::Number) = _generic_mapnum_mul!(Y, A, s)
_unsafe_mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, s::Number, α::Number, β::Number) =
_generic_mapnum_mul!(Y, A, s, α, β)

function _generic_mapvec_mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
# this function needs to call mul! for, e.g., AdjointMap{...,<:CustomMap}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,33 +295,40 @@ function _generic_mapvec_mul!(y, A, x, α, β)

# the following is of interest in, e.g., subspace-iteration methods
function mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix)
check_dim_mul(Y, A, X)
return _unsafe_mul!(Y, A, X)
function mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix, α::Number, β::Number)
check_dim_mul(Y, A, X)
return _unsafe_mul!(Y, A, X, α, β)
function _generic_mapmat_mul!(Y, A, X)
for (Xi, Yi) in zip(eachcol(X), eachcol(Y))
mul!(Yi, A, Xi)
return Y

function _generic_mapmat_mul!(Y, A, X, α=true, β=false)
function _generic_mapmat_mul!(Y, A, X, α, β)
for (Xi, Yi) in zip(eachcol(X), eachcol(Y))
mul!(Yi, A, Xi, α, β)
return Y

_unsafe_mul!(y, A::MapOrVecOrMat, x) = mul!(y, A, x)
_unsafe_mul!(y, A::AbstractVecOrMat, x, α, β) = mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
function _unsafe_mul!(y::AbstractVecOrMat, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector, α, β)
return _generic_mapvec_mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
function _unsafe_mul!(y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractMatrix)
return _generic_mapmat_mul!(y, A, x)
function _generic_mapnum_mul!(Y, A, s)
T = promote_type(eltype(A), typeof(s))
ax2 = axes(A)[2]
xi = zeros(T, ax2)
@inbounds for (i, Yi) in zip(ax2, eachcol(Y))
xi[i] = s
mul!(Yi, A, xi)
xi[i] = zero(T)
return Y
function _unsafe_mul!(y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractMatrix, α, β)
return _generic_mapmat_mul!(y, A, x, α, β)
function _generic_mapnum_mul!(Y, A, s, α, β)
T = promote_type(eltype(A), typeof(s))
ax2 = axes(A)[2]
xi = zeros(T, ax2)
@inbounds for (i, Yi) in zip(ax2, eachcol(Y))
xi[i] = s
mul!(Yi, A, xi, α, β)
xi[i] = zero(T)
return Y

include("left.jl") # left multiplication by a transpose or adjoint vector
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