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VarLad committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 0a3949a commit dfe4d06
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions lib/cl/usm/pointer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# pointer types

export CLPtr, CL_NULL, PtrOrCLPtr, CLRef, RefOrCLRef

# Device pointer

A memory address that refers to data of type `T` that is accessible from q device. A `CLPtr`
is ABI compatible with regular `Ptr` objects, e.g. it can be used to `ccall` a function that
expects a `Ptr` to device memory, but it prevents erroneous conversions between the two.

if sizeof(Ptr{Cvoid}) == 8
primitive type CLPtr{T} 64 end
primitive type CLPtr{T} 32 end

# constructor
CLPtr{T}(x::Union{Int,UInt,CLPtr}) where {T} = Base.bitcast(CLPtr{T}, x)

const CL_NULL = CLPtr{Cvoid}(0)

## getters

Base.eltype(::Type{<:CLPtr{T}}) where {T} = T

## conversions

# to and from integers
## pointer to integer
Base.convert(::Type{T}, x::CLPtr) where {T<:Integer} = T(UInt(x))
## integer to pointer
Base.convert(::Type{CLPtr{T}}, x::Union{Int,UInt}) where {T} = CLPtr{T}(x)
Int(x::CLPtr) = Base.bitcast(Int, x)
UInt(x::CLPtr) = Base.bitcast(UInt, x)

# between regular and OpenCL pointers
Base.convert(::Type{<:Ptr}, p::CLPtr) =
throw(ArgumentError("cannot convert a device pointer to a host pointer"))

# between OpenCL pointers
Base.convert(::Type{CLPtr{T}}, p::CLPtr) where {T} = Base.bitcast(CLPtr{T}, p)

# defer conversions to unsafe_convert
Base.cconvert(::Type{<:CLPtr}, x) = x

# fallback for unsafe_convert
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{P}, x::CLPtr) where {P<:CLPtr} = convert(P, x)

# from arrays
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{CLPtr{S}}, a::AbstractArray{T}) where {S,T} =
convert(CLPtr{S}, Base.unsafe_convert(CLPtr{T}, a))
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{CLPtr{T}}, a::AbstractArray{T}) where {T} =
error("conversion to pointer not defined for $(typeof(a))")

## limited pointer arithmetic & comparison

Base.isequal(x::CLPtr, y::CLPtr) = (x === y)
Base.isless(x::CLPtr{T}, y::CLPtr{T}) where {T} = x < y

Base.:(==)(x::CLPtr, y::CLPtr) = UInt(x) == UInt(y)
Base.:(<)(x::CLPtr, y::CLPtr) = UInt(x) < UInt(y)
Base.:(-)(x::CLPtr, y::CLPtr) = UInt(x) - UInt(y)

Base.:(+)(x::CLPtr, y::Integer) = oftype(x, Base.add_ptr(UInt(x), (y % UInt) % UInt))
Base.:(-)(x::CLPtr, y::Integer) = oftype(x, Base.sub_ptr(UInt(x), (y % UInt) % UInt))
Base.:(+)(x::Integer, y::CLPtr) = y + x

# Host or device pointer

A special pointer type, ABI-compatible with both `Ptr` and `CLPtr`, for use in `ccall`
expressions to convert values to either a device or a host type (in that order). This is
required for APIs which accept pointers that either point to host or device memory.

if sizeof(Ptr{Cvoid}) == 8
primitive type PtrOrCLPtr{T} 64 end
primitive type PtrOrCLPtr{T} 32 end

function Base.cconvert(::Type{PtrOrCLPtr{T}}, val) where {T}
# `cconvert` is always implemented for both `Ptr` and `CLPtr`, so pick the first result
# that has done an actual conversion

dev_val = Base.cconvert(CLPtr{T}, val)
if dev_val !== val
return dev_val

host_val = Base.cconvert(Ptr{T}, val)
if host_val !== val
return host_val

return val

function Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{PtrOrCLPtr{T}}, val) where {T}
ptr = if Core.Compiler.return_type(Base.unsafe_convert,
Tuple{Type{Ptr{T}}, typeof(val)}) !== Union{}
Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, val)
elseif Core.Compiler.return_type(Base.unsafe_convert,
Tuple{Type{CLPtr{T}}, typeof(val)}) !== Union{}
Base.unsafe_convert(CLPtr{T}, val)
throw(ArgumentError("cannot convert to either a host or device pointer"))

return Base.bitcast(PtrOrCLPtr{T}, ptr)

# Device reference objects

if sizeof(Ptr{Cvoid}) == 8
primitive type CLRef{T} 64 end
primitive type CLRef{T} 32 end

# general methods for CLRef{T} type
Base.eltype(x::Type{<:CLRef{T}}) where {T} = @isdefined(T) ? T : Any

Base.convert(::Type{CLRef{T}}, x::CLRef{T}) where {T} = x

# conversion or the actual ccall
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{CLRef{T}}, x::CLRef{T}) where {T} = Base.bitcast(CLRef{T}, Base.unsafe_convert(CLPtr{T}, x))
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{CLRef{T}}, x) where {T} = Base.bitcast(CLRef{T}, Base.unsafe_convert(CLPtr{T}, x))

# CLRef from literal pointer
Base.convert(::Type{CLRef{T}}, x::CLPtr{T}) where {T} = x

# indirect constructors using CLRef
Base.convert(::Type{CLRef{T}}, x) where {T} = CLRef{T}(x)

## CLRef object backed by an array at index i

struct CLRefArray{T,A<:AbstractArray{T}} <: Ref{T}
CLRefArray{T,A}(x,i) where {T,A<:AbstractArray{T}} = new(x,i)
CLRefArray{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}, i::Int=1) where {T} = CLRefArray{T,typeof(x)}(x, i)
CLRefArray(x::AbstractArray{T}, i::Int=1) where {T} = CLRefArray{T}(x, i)
Base.convert(::Type{CLRef{T}}, x::AbstractArray{T}) where {T} = CLRefArray(x, 1)

function Base.unsafe_convert(P::Type{CLPtr{T}}, b::CLRefArray{T}) where T
return pointer(b.x, b.i)
function Base.unsafe_convert(P::Type{CLPtr{Any}}, b::CLRefArray{Any})
return convert(P, pointer(b.x, b.i))
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{CLPtr{Cvoid}}, b::CLRefArray{T}) where {T} =
convert(CLPtr{Cvoid}, Base.unsafe_convert(CLPtr{T}, b))

## Union with all CLRef 'subtypes'

const CLRefs{T} = Union{CLPtr{T}, CLRefArray{T}}

## RefOrCLRef

if sizeof(Ptr{Cvoid}) == 8
primitive type RefOrCLRef{T} 64 end
primitive type RefOrCLRef{T} 32 end

Base.convert(::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, x::Union{RefOrCLRef{T}, Ref{T}, CLRef{T}, CLRefs{T}}) where {T} = x

# prefer conversion to CPU ref: this is generally cheaper
Base.convert(::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, x) where {T} = Ref{T}(x)
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, x::Ref{T}) where {T} =
Base.bitcast(RefOrCLRef{T}, Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, x))
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, x) where {T} =
Base.bitcast(RefOrCLRef{T}, Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, x))

# support conversion from GPU ref
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, x::CLRefs{T}) where {T} =
Base.bitcast(RefOrCLRef{T}, Base.unsafe_convert(CLPtr{T}, x))

# support conversion from arrays
Base.convert(::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, x::Array{T}) where {T} = convert(Ref{T}, x)
Base.convert(::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, x::AbstractArray{T}) where {T} = convert(CLRef{T}, x)
Base.unsafe_convert(P::Type{RefOrCLRef{T}}, b::CLRefArray{T}) where T =
Base.bitcast(RefOrCLRef{T}, Base.unsafe_convert(CLRef{T}, b))

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