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Merge pull request #187 from JuliaDynamics/hw/extinputs
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enable external inputs
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hexaeder authored Nov 29, 2024
2 parents dd7f5e9 + 6e0be40 commit cfdf9ed
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Showing 19 changed files with 749 additions and 224 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions benchmark/run_benchmarks.jl
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Expand Up @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ if bench_target || bench_baseline
@info "Dirty directory, add everything to new commit!"
@assert realpath(pwd()) == realpath(ndpath_tmp) "Julia is in $(pwd()) not it $ndpath_tmp"
run(`git status`)
run(`git config --global "[email protected]"`)
run(`git config --global "Benchmark Bot"`)
run(`git config --local "[email protected]"`)
run(`git config --local "Benchmark Bot"`)
run(`git checkout -b $(randstring(15))`)
run(`git add -A`)
run(`git commit -m "tmp commit for benchmarking"`)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ makedocs(;
"Tutorials" => [
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210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# External Inputs
External inputs for components are way to pass signals between components outside of the network structure.
The most common usecase for that are control systems: make your vertex `i` depend on some state of vertex `j`.

If used, this will essentially wides the number of received inputs of a component function. I.e. the baseline mathematical models for vertex models

M^{\mathrm v}\,\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}x^{\mathrm v} &= f^{\mathrm v}(u^{\mathrm v}, i^{\mathrm v}, i^{\mathrm{ext}}, p^{\mathrm v}, t)\\
y^{\mathrm v} &= g^{\mathrm v}(u^{\mathrm v}, i^{\mathrm v}, i^{\mathrm{ext}}, p^{\mathrm v}, t)
fᵥ(dxᵥ, xᵥ, e_aggr, ext, pᵥ, t)
gᵥ(yᵥ, xᵥ, [e_aggr, ext,] pᵥ, t)
and edge models
M^{\mathrm e}\,\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}x^{\mathrm e} &= f^{\mathrm e}(u^{\mathrm e}, y^{\mathrm v}_{\mathrm{src}}, y^{\mathrm v}_{\mathrm{dst}}, i^{\mathrm{ext}}, p^{\mathrm e}, t)\\
y^{\mathrm e}_{\mathrm{dst}} &= g_\mathrm{dst}^{\mathrm e}(u^{\mathrm e}, y^{\mathrm v}_{\mathrm{src}}, y^{\mathrm v}_{\mathrm{dst}}, i^{\mathrm{ext}}, p^{\mathrm e}, t)\\
y^{\mathrm e}_{\mathrm{src}} &= g_\mathrm{src}^{\mathrm e}(u^{\mathrm e}, y^{\mathrm v}_{\mathrm{src}}, y^{\mathrm v}_{\mathrm{dst}}, i^{\mathrm{ext}}, p^{\mathrm e}, t)
fₑ(dxₑ, xₑ, v_src, v_dst, ext, pₑ, t)
gₑ(y_src, y_dst, xᵥ, [v_src, v_dst, ext,] pₑ, t)
change. You may still oomit the input section from `g` according to the different [Feed Forward Behavior](@ref)s. However you either have to use *all* inputs (including `ext`) or none.

## Usage
Vertex and Edge models with external inputs can be created using the `extin` keyword of the [`EdgeModel`](@ref) and [`VertexModel`](@ref) constructors.

You need to pass a vector of `SymbolicIndices` ([`VIndex`](@ref) and [`EIndex`](@ref)), e.g.
VertexModel(... , extin=[VIndex(12,:x), VIndex(9, :x)], ...)
means your vertex receives a 2 dimensional external input vector with the states `x` of vertices 12 and 9.
See below for hands on example.

## Limitations
There are some limitations in place. You can only reference **states** (i.e. things that appear in `xᵥ` or `xₑ` of some component model) or **outputs of non-feed-forward components**, i.e. states `yᵥ` or `yₑ` of some component model which does not have feed forward behavior in their `g` function.

## Example
As an example system, we'll consider two capacitors with a resistor between them.
Vertex 1 `v1` has a controllable current source.
Using a PI controller for the current source, it tries to keep the voltage at the
second vertex stable under the disturbance of some time periodic current sind at `v2`.

v1 Resistor v2
PI controlled ─→─o─←────MMM────→─o─→─ time dependent
current source ┴ ┴ current sink
┬ ┬
⏚ ⏚

The example will be implemented 2 times: in plain NetworkDynamcics and using MTK.

### Plain NetworkDynamics

First we define the resistor:
```@example extin
using NetworkDynamics
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using CairoMakie
function resistor_g(idst, vsrc, vdst, (R,), t)
idst[1] = (vsrc[1] - vdst[1])/R
resistor = EdgeModel(g=AntiSymmetric(resistor_g),
outsym=:i, insym=:v, psym=:R=>0.1,
src=:source, dst=:load, name=:resistor)

Then we define the "load" vertex with sinusoidial load profile:
```@example extin
function f_load(dv, v, iin, (C,), t)
dv[1] = 1/C*(iin[1] - (1 + 0.1*sin(t)))
load = VertexModel(f=f_load, g=1,
sym=:V=>0.5, insym=:i, psym=:C=>1,
vidx=2, name=:load)
Lastly, we define the "source" vertex
```@example extin
function f_source(dv, v, iin, extin, (C,Vref,Ki,Kp), t)
Δ = Vref - extin[1] # tracking error
dv[2] = Δ # integrator state of PI
i_inj = Kp*Δ + Ki*v[2] # controller output
dv[1] = 1/C*(iin[1] + i_inj)
source = VertexModel(f=f_source, g=1,
sym=[:V=>0.5,:ξ=>0], insym=:i,
psym=[:C=>1, :Vref=>1, :Ki=>0.5, :Kp=>10],
extin=[VIndex(:load, :V)],
vidx=1, name=:source)
Then we can create the network and simulate:
```@example extin
nw = Network([source, load], [resistor])
u0 = NWState(nw) # everything has default values
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), (0,100), pflat(u0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
fig, ax, p = lines(sol, idxs=VIndex(:load, :V), label="Voltage @ load");
lines!(ax, sol, idxs=VPIndex(:source, :Vref), label="Reference", color=Cycled(2));
axislegend(ax; position=:rb);
fig # hide

### MTK Models
First we define the resistor:
```@example extin_mtk
using NetworkDynamics
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as Dt
using CairoMakie
@mtkmodel Resistor begin
@variables begin
i(t), [description="Current at dst end"]
V_src(t), [description="Voltage at src end"]
V_dst(t), [description="Voltage at dst end"]
@parameters begin
R=0.1, [description="Resistance"]
@equations begin
i ~ (V_src - V_dst)/R
@named resistor = Resistor()
resistor_edge = EdgeModel(resistor, [:V_src], [:V_dst], AntiSymmetric([:i]); src=:load, dst=:source)

Then we define the "load" vertex with sinusoidial load profile:
```@example extin_mtk
@mtkmodel Load begin
@variables begin
V(t)=0.5, [description="Voltage"]
i_load(t), [description="Load current"]
i_grid(t), [description="Current from grid"]
@parameters begin
C=1, [description="Capacitance"]
@equations begin
i_load ~ 1 + 0.1*sin(t)
Dt(V) ~ 1/C*(i_grid - i_load)
@named load = Load()
load_vertex = VertexModel(load, [:i_grid], [:V]; vidx=2)
Lastly, we define the "source" vertex
```@example extin_mtk
@mtkmodel Source begin
@variables begin
V(t)=0.5, [description="Voltage"]
ξ(t)=0, [description="Integrator state"]
i_grid(t), [description="Current from grid"]
i_source(t), [description="Current from source"]
Δ(t), [description="Tracking Error"]
V_load(t), [description="Voltage at load"]
@parameters begin
C=1, [description="Capacitance"]
Vref=1, [description="Reference voltage"]
Ki=0.5, [description="Integral gain"]
Kp=10, [description="Proportional gain"]
@equations begin
Δ ~ Vref - V_load
Dt(ξ) ~ Δ
i_source ~ Kp*Δ + Ki*ξ
Dt(V) ~ 1/C*(i_grid + i_source)
@named source = Source()
source_vertex = VertexModel(source, [:i_grid], [:V];
extin=[:V_load => VIndex(:load, :V)], vidx=1)
Then we can create the network and simulate:
```@example extin_mtk
nw = Network([source_vertex, load_vertex], [resistor_edge])
u0 = NWState(nw) # everything has default values
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), (0,100), pflat(u0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
fig = Figure();
ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1]);
lines!(ax1, sol, idxs=VIndex(:load, :V), label="Voltage @ load");
lines!(ax1, sol, idxs=VPIndex(:source, :Vref), label="Reference", color=Cycled(2));
axislegend(ax1; position=:rb);
ax2 = Axis(fig[2,1]);
lines!(ax2, sol, idxs=VIndex(:load, :i_load), label="load current");
lines!(ax2, sol, idxs=VIndex(:source, :i_source), label="source current", color=Cycled(2));
Using MTK for modeling, we can also inspect the currents `i_load` and `i_source` the MTK interface preserves the [Observables](@ref).

20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions ext/CUDAExt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module CUDAExt
using NetworkDynamics: Network, NetworkLayer, ComponentBatch,
KAAggregator, AggregationMap, SparseAggregator,
LazyGBufProvider, EagerGBufProvider, LazyGBuf,
dispatchT, iscudacompatible, executionstyle
dispatchT, iscudacompatible, executionstyle, ExtMap
using NetworkDynamics.PreallocationTools: DiffCache
using NetworkDynamics: KernelAbstractions as KA

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, n::Network)
mm = adapt(to, n.mass_matrix)
gbp = adapt(to, n.gbufprovider)
caches = (;output = _adapt_diffcache(to, n.caches.output),
aggregation = _adapt_diffcache(to, n.caches.aggregation))
aggregation = _adapt_diffcache(to, n.caches.aggregation),
external = _adapt_diffcache(to, n.caches.external))
exT = typeof(executionstyle(n))
gT = typeof(
extmap = adapt(to, n.extmap)

vb, layer,, caches, mm, gbp)
vb, layer,, caches, mm, gbp, extmap)

Adapt.@adapt_structure NetworkLayer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,6 +82,14 @@ function _adapt_eager_gbufp(mapto, cacheto, gbp)
EagerGBufProvider(map, cache)

#### Adapt external input map
Adapt.@adapt_structure ExtMap
function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::Type{<:CuArray{<:AbstractFloat}}, em::ExtMap)
adapt(CuArray, em)

#### Adapt VertexBatch/EdgeBatch
Expand All @@ -90,7 +100,7 @@ end
function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, b::ComponentBatch)
indices = adapt(to, b.indices)
ComponentBatch(dispatchT(b), indices, b.compf, b.compg, b.ff,
b.statestride, b.pstride, b.inbufstride, b.outbufstride)
b.statestride, b.pstride, b.inbufstride, b.outbufstride, b.extbufstride)

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