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First principles

  1. Chop Principle
  • The "chop" is the right-most (oldest) unclued card.
  • When a player needs to discard and has no known safe discards, they should discard the chop card.
  1. Minimum Clue Value Principle
  • A given clue must either:
    • indicate sufficient information for one or more previously unclued cards to be played (as a Play Clue)
    • prevent the possible discard of one or more previously unclued cards that need to be saved (as a Save Clue)
  1. Save Principle
  • Cards that meet the following criteria must not be discarded:
    • only one copy remains (e.g. 5's or unplayed cards in the discard pile)
    • it is a 2 and not visible elsewhere in players' hands
    • it is currently playable and not visible elsewhere in players' hands
  • When a card that needs to be saved is at immediate risk of being discarded, it must be indicated with a Save Clue (or a Play Clue if it happens to be playable).
  • If a player receives a clue that could be either a Save Clue or a Play Clue, they must consider both possibilities. Specifically, this means that the player must hold on to the card until they know for sure.
  1. Good Touch Principle
  • A safe discard is defined as:
    • a copy of a card that has already been played
    • a copy of a card that is in someone's hand and has been clued
  • Safe discards should not be clued (unless there's an important reason to).
  • Players should generally assume that any clued card in their hand will eventually be played.
  1. Play Order Principle
  • When a Play Clue touches multiple cards, if it includes the chop, it's focused on the chop. (This is referred to as the Chop-Focus convention.)
  • Otherwise, the clue is focused on the newest (e.g. left-most) of cards that did not have a clue "on" them already.
  • The non-focused cards may or may not be playable.
  1. Left-Most Playable Principle
  • When a player is expected to play a card (or know a card is playable) in a situation not covered by the Play Order Principle, the card to be played is the left-most of the various cards that are most likely to be it.
  1. Information Lock Principle
  • What is indicated by a clue is determined by the known information at the time the clue is given. Subsequent clues may build upon that information, but do not override it unless a direct conflict is evident.
  1. Lie Principle
  • Normally, players try to make their clues as clear as possible and convey the exact identity of a card.
  • Rarely, players can use clues to trick other players into thinking that they have cards that they really don't.
  • If this untruth resolves immediately (i.e. the very next turn), it is called a Fib. For intermediate and advanced players, Fibs are legal and expected.
  • If this untruth does not resolve immediately, it is called a Lie. Lies are illegal. Players should never assume that they are Lied to.
  1. High Value Principle
  • The highest value clue is expected. If a clue is given, it should be interpreted to be the highest value move available to that player.
  • In other words, you can draw many important conclusions from the fact that a player did not do some other (potentially higher-value) move.

Level 1 - Fundamentals

  • Position et nom des joueurs
  • Premier joueurs
  • Cartes de départ
  • Lire un clue
  • Lire les cartes jouées
  • Comprendre un play clue (juste une carte)
  • Play
  • Discard
  • Donner un play clue
  • prompts
  • 5 save
  • Focus
  • critical save
  • 2 save
  • finesse (1 card)

Feature creep

  • Multiple bots play against each other
  • Play on the website
  • Replay game seed with bot
  • Start bot on started game
  • Bot piloted review


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