A simple machine learning system designed to estimate how much time a task will take
Using the default options the demo takes about 1-2 minutes on a single core (2.8GHz max clock) using roughly 1.5GB of RAM
pip install requirements.txt
python demo.py
Demo.py accepts three arguments:
The number of nodes each synthetic script should have, default: 10000scripts
The number of synthetic scripts you want to generate, default: 10-100nodeTypes
A list of different node types you want to generate, default: nodeTypeA nodeTypeB nodeTypeC nodeTypeD nodeTypeE nodeTypeF
- Subclass Script for your relevant DCC
- Initialise a FileStorage object (or your own Storage subclass) with a file path
- Initialise Subclass using the Initialised Storage Object
- Feed subclass.parse into subclass.write
- Repeat for all scripts
model = EvaluationModel(model=BayesianRidge)
Initialise the EvaluationModel, providing your preferred Algorithmmodel.fit(scripts_with_known_render_times, execution_times)
Fit the parsed script data to the execution time dataprediction = model.predict(scripts_with_unknown_execution_times)
Make a prediction on scripts where we don't know the execution time already- Save out your trained model for future use