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A zig application framework. A CLI that generates the framework code, adds and removes GUI components, adds and removes messages that the front-end and back-end use to communicate.


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kickzig "zig and dvui my way"

Still, very much a work in progress.

June 20, 2024: version 0.2.0

Works with dvui and zig v. 0.13.0.


kickzig is a CLI. It does 3 things

  1. Generates the source code, of an application framework, written in zig. The framework which uses the beautiful dvui graphics framework in the front-end. That said, kickzig also requires the developer to understand how to use the dvui widgets. The framework source code contains various widget examples. (That's why it runs right out of the box.) You will find some in the framework source code. Also see the dvui Examples.zig or the dvui demo.
  2. Adds and removes screens in the source code.
    • Screens are the framework's front-end packages that display content to the user and receive input from the user.
    • Different types of screens do that in their own unique way.
    • A screen may have one or more panels. Panels are where the developer designs a display and receives input from the user.
    • A screen has a messenger which communicates with the back-end. The developer subscribes the messenger to the channels of messages that need to be received. The developer adds functions to send and receive messages.
  3. Adds and removes messages in the source code.
    • Messages are how the framework's front-end and back-end communicate.
    • The developer will customize each message.
      • A message's front-end payload is what the front-end sends to the back-end. The developer will want to customize the front-end payload.
      • A message's back-end payload is what the back-end sends to the front-end. By default, the back-end payload only returns an optional error message for the user. The developer is free to cutomize the back-end payload.
    • Each front-end screen has a messenger that can send and receive any or all messages with the back-end.
      • The developer will subscribe a screen messenger to a message's receive channel in order to receive that message.
      • The developer will send a message through it's send channel.
      • The developer will create the messenger's send and receive functions.
    • The back-end has 1 messenger for each message.
      • A back-end messenger by default
        • is already subscribed to it's message's receive channel.
        • is already receiving it's messages through that receive channel.
        • is already returning it's message through it's send channel.
        • is already handling errors.
      • So what does the developer have to do?
        • For back-end messengers which receive a message, the developer must provide the required functionality for processing the message in the messenger's fn receiveJob.
        • For back-end messengers which can be triggered, the developer must provide the required functionality for creating a new message in the messenger's fn triggerJob.
      • Those messengers which receive a message can also trigger other back-end messengers to send their message. For example, an AddContact messenger can trigger a RebuildContactList messenger to send the updated list of contacts to the front end.

The wiki documents building a CRUD with an previous version of kickzig. It will be updated using the current version of kickzig as time allows.

Example: Creating a framework, building and running an application

The command kickzig framework generates the source code for a framework that is ready to run. The framework requires a fetched archive of David Vanderson's DVUI package. (Sounds complicated but its not. See below.)

Nota Bene: Currently, the kickzig generated framework must be built using zig version 0.13.0.

$ mkdir myapp
$ cd myapp
$ kickzig framework
$ zig fetch --save
$ zig build -freference-trace=255
$ ./zig-out/bin/myapp

The opening. Hello World screen

The app's kickzig panel example.

The OK modal screen popped from the opening Hello world screen

The app's OK modal screen.

The YesNo modal screen popped from the opening Hello world screen

The app's YesNo modal screen.

kickzig for the front-end

kickzig is mostly a tool for the application's front-end. The framework's front-end is a collection of screens. Each screen is a collection of panels. Panel's are displayed one at a time.

A screen is a collection of panels and has it's own messenger which communicates with the back-end.

Whenever the developer adds any type of screen with kickzig, it functions perfectly.

Panel screens

A Panel screen is the simplest type of screen. It only displays one of it's panels at any one time. Panel screens always function when the developer creates them although the panels display the screen name and panel name by default.

The Panel screens are useful for creating other types of screens. They are the first screens that I created. I used the Panel screens to create each of the other types of screens.

Content screens

A Content screen is really just another Panel screen. That's why it's in the panel/ folder with the other panel-screens. The difference is that a content screen is only going to be used for a tab's content.

The differences between panel screens and content screens

  1. Implementation
    • A content screen implementation:
      1. is initialized by the tab that uses the screen for content.
    • A panel screen implementation:
      1. is initialized by the app at startup and should there fore, be added to the main menu.
      2. can also be initialized by a tab that is using the screen for content.
  2. Framing is when a screen is drawn and user input is received.
    • A content screen frames:
      1. in a tab's content area.
    • A panel screen frames:
      1. in the app's main view.
      2. in a tab's content area.


kickzig screen add-panel Edit Select Edit creates a panel screen named Edit in the panel/ folder. The default panel is named Select and another panel is named Edit. By default the Select and Edit panels each display their screen and panel name. It's the developers job to edit any panel's file to achieve the propper functionality.

kickzig screen add-content Remove Select Confirm creates a content screen named Remove in the panel/ folder. The default panel is named Select and another panel named Confirm. By default the Select and Confirm panels each display their screen and panel name. Again, it's the developers job to edit any panel's file to achieve the propper functionality.

tab-bar screens

  1. A tab-bar screen always functions when the developer creates it.
  2. Contains one example tab for each tab-type that the developer named. However, the developer may have 0 or more tabs of each tab-type in the tab-bar. For example: My tab-bar has a Log tab-type which will display a log from an IRC Chat room. I can open a Log tab-type for each chat room the user joins. Each tab can also close when the user leaves the chat room.
  3. Defaults to:
    • A .horizontal bar direction that the user can toggle between .horizontal and .vertical.
    • User closable tabs.
    • User movable tabs.

Horizontal tab-bar screens have a horizontal tab-bar above where the selected tab's content is displayed.

Vertical tab-bar screens have a vertical tab-bar left of where the selected tab's content is displayed.

A tab's content can be one of the screen's own panels or a tab's content can be any screen in the panel/ folder.


kickzig screen add-tab Contacts Add *Edit *Remove creates a tab screen named Contacts with 3 tab types ( Add, Edit, Remove ) and 1 instance of each tab running in the tab-bar as an example.

  • The Add tab type gets it's content from the Add panel in the screen package.
  • I prefixed the Edit tab name with * so that it will use the Edit screen in the panel/ folder, for content.
  • I prefixed the Remove tab name with * so that it will use the Remove screen in the panel/ folder, for content.

Below is the Contacts screen with the horizontal layout. Notice that the Remove tab is selected and is displaying the Remove content-screen.

The app's horizontal tab bar screen.

Below is the Contacts screen with the vertical layout. Notice that the Edit tab is selected and is displaying the Edit panel-screen.

The app's vertical tab bar screen.

Modal screens

Modal screens are the framework's dialogs. They are the same as panel screens where one panel is displayed at a time.

When a modal screen is to be displayed, the framwork caches the current screen before displaying the modal screen. When a modal screen is finally closed, the framework gets that cached previous screen and displays it.

The OK modal screen and YesNo modal screen are part of the framework. They also work as examples for writing other types of dialogs although they do not have a messenger. The YesNo modal screen is interesting because it demostrates how to use call backs.

The EOJ modal screen is also part of the framework. It is only used in the shutdown process.

kickzig screen add-modal YesNoMaybe YesNoMaybe creates a modal screen named YesNoMaybe with a panel named YesNoMaybe. It also creates a YesNoMaybe modal parameter for passing information to the screen's setState function.

Removing an unwanted screen

kickzig screen remove YesNoMaybe removes the screen named YesNoMaybe.

DVUI tools for the developer

  1. The DVUI Debug window. The framework's main menu allows the developer to open and use the DVUI debug window.
  2. The DVUI Demo window. The framework's main menu also allows the developer to turn on the DVUI demo window. The actual example code is pub fn demo() !void in Examples.zig.
  3. The developer can turn the above menu items off by setting pub const show_developer_menu_items: bool = false; in src/frontent/api.zig.
  4. The DVUI source code. The src code is cloned in src/vendor/dvui/ so that it is immediately available for review.

The app's main menu.

kickzig for messages

The front-end and back-end communicate asynchronously using messages. Messages are sent and messages are received. There is no waiting for a message.

Adding a message

  • The command kickzig message add-bf «message_name» will add a 1 way message which travels back-to-front.
  • The command kickzig message add-fbf «message_name» will add a 2 way message which travels front-to-back and back-to-front.
  • The command kickzig message add-bf-fbf «message_name» will add a message that is both 1 way and 2 way. That is to say that the back-end messenger has 2 different functions for sending a message.
    1. The fn receiveJob receives a message and then sends the response.
    2. The fn triggerJob only sends a message.

Removing a message

kickzig message remove AddContact will remove the AddContact message from the framework.

Listing all messages

kickzig message list will display each message.

Startup parameters

Front-end startup parameters are the only parameter passed to the front-end packages at startup. Back-end startup parameters are the only parameter passed to the back-end packages at startup.

The developer can add to the startup parameters.

  1. The startup parameter close_down_jobs: *_closedownjobs_.Jobs allows modules to add their shut down call back to be executed during the closing down process.
  2. The startup parameter exit: ExitFn is the function called only when there is a fatal error. It starts the shut down process with an error message.

Closing down the application

The app's closing screen.

2 Ways to start the shut down process

  1. The user clicks the window's ❎ button. The main_loop: in src/main.zig calls the closer module's fn close(user_message: []const u8) void which starts the closing process.
  2. A fatal error occurs in the developer's code. That module calls the startup parameter exit which starts the closing process. Example below.
        self.receiveJob(message) catch |err| {
            // Fatal error.
            self.exit(@src(), err, "self.receiveJob(message)");
            return err;


A zig application framework. A CLI that generates the framework code, adds and removes GUI components, adds and removes messages that the front-end and back-end use to communicate.








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