A curated list of dictionaries and plugins for Plover, the open source stenography software.
Plover is a free, open source stenography engine. It allows individuals to replace their keyboard and write into any program at speeds of over 200 words per minute.
- Di's Steno Dictionaries - A wonderfully organized list of dictionaries from the maker of Typey Type with everything from removing misstrokes from Plover Theory, to advice on computer use, alternative locales, and programming.
- Jade-GG's Phrasing - A python dictionary phrasing system that lets you write entire phrases such as "we don't really want to" in one stroke.
- Emily's Symbols - A genius python dictionary that allows you to write symbols with full control over spacing on both sides of the symbol, capitalization, and count.
- Dict Commands - Enable, disable, and reorder dictionaries with steno strokes.
- System Switcher - Switch between different steno systems on the fly, critical for multilingual stenography.
- VLC Commands - Play, pause, seek, and adjust the rate of VLC media player with steno strokes. Paired with your favorite text editor, it makes an excellent transcription tool. It even has support for outputting the current timestamp.
- Python Dictionary (.py) - Dictionaries that are small python scripts—limitless possibilities! A few extremely useful Python dictionaries make this plugin a must-have.
- Fancy Text - Switch between typing in all sorts of exotic modes. It's essential if you want to keep up with the kids, supporting everything from "vaporwave" to "sARcASm" to "c,,ry ttypinng,".
- Last Translation - Repeat the last translation (word, shortcut, emoji, etc.) with a single stroke.
- Spectra Lexer - A beautiful tool that explains why words are stroked the way that they are in your dictionary.
- WPM Meter - See the words per minute and strokes per word of your writing for the last 10 and 60 seconds.
Plover ships with two user interface options: QT (default) and None.
- Console UI - Run Plover entirely within a terminal window, complete with text-based widgets for paper tape, suggestions, and adding translations.
If you have a favorite Plover plugin or dictionary that isn't listed, it would be awesome if you added it. Please read the contribution guidelines first.