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LIDAR Obstacle Detection


The goal of this project is to use to various algorithms on Point Cloud data such as Voxel Grid filtering, RANSAC segmentation and Euclidean Clustering with KD-Tree to detect obstacles.


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The following animation shows the segmented point clouds - obstacles (in yellow) and road (in green)

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Closing thoughts

  1. Tracking can used to keep a record of obstacles throughout all the point clouds.
  2. 3D Object detection can further aid in determining the type of obstacle (car, traffic signal pole, etc.).

Running Steps

The project is written in C++ and it is wrapped in ROS. So follow the below step:

  1. source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  2. Put an rosbag in /resources named as scans_demo.bag (or you can modify launch file)
  3. Note that the rosbag should contain topic "/os_cloud_node/points" with "sensor_msgs::PointCloud2" sensor type
  4. roslaunch lidar_obstacle_detection pcl.launch
  5. You should be able to see the below graph.

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Rostopic published and subscribed

/TunningParam : Tunning parameters for external control (communication completed, but not setup with actual parameters yet)

/box : First box from /boxes topics (for testing)

/boxes : /boxes customerized message topics include all bounding box calculated and expressed in two diagonal points (minPoint, maxPoint)

/downsampled_cloud_obstacle : Downsampled pointcloud for obstacle

/downsampled_cloud_road : Downsampled pointcloud for road

/os_cloud_node/points : input pointcloud