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(A CLI wrapper on Apple's XcodeBuild's test runner) XCT's goal is to make running tests via a CLI more accessible and practical. Running tests via CLI should be powerful, flexible, and quick.

XCT is still a work in progress

A Synopsis

XCT -t [@saveable fileTarget]
    -esd [@nullable testCaseMatcher]
    -P [@saveable project]
    -S [@saveable scheme]
    -O [@saveable OS]
    -D [@saveable device]
    --dry --ugly --clear-inline
    --clear-global --clear-all
    --list-inline --list-global

XCT Features

  1. A productivity focused CL experience.

    • Short commands

    • Global enviorment context

    • Inline (Project/workspace specific) environment context

    • Run tests from any project directory

  2. Crucial features that help you get out of the Xcode gutter.

    • Bulk test case running

    • Regex test case matching

    • Direct flags for substring and exact matching.

    • Utilization of XcodeBuild's parallelism

    • Xcodebuild flag pass through

Some Quick Examples

e.g. Run a test and inline save the test target

XCT -t $someViewControllerTests -s someUIButton

Run a test using that inline saved test target

XCT -s someUIButton

or, to simply run the last test



How does XCT work

From a top-level view, XCT will gather global and inline environment context saves. Take in your target testing file and make a copy of it and preprocess it based on provided matching input. The preprocessing includes removing comments and commenting out unmatched test cases. If no matcher is specified (runs the whole test suite) or the exact flag is used then no preprocessing is done.

Saveable Environment Context

Environment Context entries are the preconditions for your tests this includes all the following args with the @saveable keyword in the synopsis.

You can perform an inline save with the '$' token in front of any value with the @saveable keyword in the synopsis. These values will be saved for as long as you want and can be cleared with --clear-inline or overwritten with another value by using the same '$' keyword. Inline saves are workspace/project specific and act as a quick and recommended way of saving re-appliable environment context.

Alternatively, user-specific edits to ~/.xctrc will count as a spot for saveable environment context. It should be noted though that inline environment saves have precedence over .xctrc. It's recommended to have the default fallback Environment context in .xctrc and short-term environment context changes by inline saves. Inline-saves don't replace changes in .xctrc and .xctrc changes don't override inline-saves

Use Folder References

XCT takes advanced of the automatic target assignments by using Folder Refs. This method also acts as a safety feature as the actual source will only be read from and not written to. The nature of the pre-processing could result in some unexpected writes If done otherwise.

Tests are wrapped in groups?

That's perfectly fine all that is needed is an empty folder reference in the group. XCT will use this folder as a place to directly place copy tests. The folder only acts as a 'target marker'.

    \_ SomeFolderReference
    \_ SomeGroupTests.swift

To create a folder ref just create a directory in your filesystem and drag the folder into your group in Xcode. Ensure the folder reference option is selected and the target assignments match the tests in that group.

Test Matching Flags

Note: Don't include the first "test" string that is in every XC test.

- e  Requires exact match
- s  All matching substrings
- d  Default regex matching


XCT -t $someViewController_Tests -e updatesLayoutFor_HeightChange_Success
XCT -t $someViewController_Tests -s updatesLayoutFor
XCT -t $someViewController_Tests -d success$

Test Environment Context Flags

- t Testing file target
- P Xcode project/workspace file name
- S Target scheme
- O OS version
- D Device

Optional Flags

--dry List tests, but don't run
--ugly Negate "pretty" flag
--clear-cache removes all saved env flags

xctrc editing format

You will find that xctrc follows the vimrc editing format pretty closely.

# Specify the workspace/project
# Every property under will be applied when xcode-select is pointing to this workspace/project
set project Snapchat
# Or
set workspace Snapchat

set targetFile someTestFile
set scheme someXCscheme
set platform iOS Simulator
set device iPhone 8
set os 13.3
# List any optional or xcode passthrough flags

set project Instagram

Vim Friendly

Use XCT as a bang command combined with the % token to target the current file.

Vim Usage


A CLI wrapper on Apple's xcodebuild's test runner







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