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R package for T2-DAG, a DAG-informed two-sample test for mean difference in the vector of gene expression levels of a pathway. In addition to gene expression data, the method efficiently leverages axiliary pathway information on gene interactions through a linear structural equation model.


Install and load the following R packages

BiocManager::install("gage") # for KEGG pathway analysis
BiocManager::install("gageData") # for KEGG pathway analysis
# if installation of clipper is unsuccessful: install an old version of gRbase so as to install the package clipper
# install.packages('~/Downloads/gRbase_1.8-3.tar.gz', repos = NULL, type ='source')

library(DEGraph) # for graph.T2.test
library(clipper) # for removing an edge from graphNEL

Install package "T2DAG"

# download T2DAG github repository and set path to the folder "T2DAG-main"
setwd('~/T2DAG-main/') # set path to the Github directory

Example data analysis:

Testing the mean difference in the expression levels of genes in a KEGG pathway between stage I and stage II lung cancer.

Step 1: data preparation

Data sources (All GWAS samples are of European ancestry):

  1. Gene expression data collected from lung tissues of different lung cancer stages (normal, stage I, II, III, and IV) for lung cancer patients obtained from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Program1,2.
  2. KEGG pathways3,4,5.

Load additional packages needed for data analysis

library(stringr) # for str_detect
library(reshape2) # wide to long
library(corpcor) # campute partial correlation from correlation matrix
library(highD2pop)  # GCT.test - R package from GCT paper (2015)
library(highmean) # aSPU test
library(ARHT) # ARHT test
library(expm) # for sqrtm

Download the file "lung_cancer_gene_expression" from this link. If the link does not work, please contact [email protected] to request for the file.

Save the file to the directory "data/" and load lung-tissue gene expression data.

ge.file = 'lung_cancer_gene_expression.xlsx'
ge.dir = 'data/'
output.dir = 'data/gene_expression/'
GE = read_xlsx(paste0(ge.dir,ge.file),sheet = 'Expression', col_names = T, col_types = c('text',rep('numeric',576)))
ge.genes = GE[,1][[1]]
GE =
colnames(GE)[2:ncol(GE)] = gsub('\\.','-',colnames(GE)[2:ncol(GE)])
# Patient info
patientinfo = read_xlsx(paste0(ge.dir,ge.file),sheet = 'Patients', col_names = T)
patientinfo =
patientinfo = patientinfo[!($Pat_Stage)),]
rownames(patientinfo) = patientinfo[,'Pat_ID']

# Sample info
sampleinfo = read_xlsx(paste0(ge.dir,ge.file),sheet = 'Samples', col_names = T)
sampleinfo =
rownames(sampleinfo) = sampleinfo[,'Sam_Name']
sampleinfo = sampleinfo[sampleinfo[,'Sam_Patient'] %in% rownames(patientinfo),]

Load pathway information.

kegg.pathways = pathway.list[[1]]
kegg.names = pathway.list[[2]]

Now we show an example of the analysis on the pathway "p53 signaling pathway"

Prepare the corresponding pathway information and gene expression data

pathway.index = 28
pathway.dir = 'data/'
pathwayID = kegg.pathways[pathway.index]
tmp <- paste0(pathway.dir,pathwayID,'.xml')
if (!file.exists(tmp)) retrieveKGML(pathwayid=substr(pathwayID,4,8), organism='hsa', destfile=tmp, method="curl")
pathway <- parseKGML(tmp)

Summarize node and edge information of the pathway

### Gene names and indices in the DAG
nodes <- nodes(pathway)
types = sapply(1:length(nodes),function(x){getType(nodes[[x]])})
genes = sapply(1:length(nodes),function(x){substr(getName(nodes[[x]])[1],5,nchar(getName(nodes[[x]])[1]))})[types == 'gene'] # 279, only keep the first gene in each node
genes.index = names(nodes)[(types == 'gene')]
genes.index = genes.index[(genes %in% ge.genes)] # extract indices of the genes that have expression data available
genes = genes[genes %in% ge.genes]
names(genes) = genes.index
edges <- edges(pathway)

edge.node = t(sapply(1:length(edges),function(x){getEntryID(edges[[x]])}))
keep.indx = which(((edge.node[,1] %in% genes.index)&(edge.node[,2] %in% genes.index)) == T)
edge.node = edge.node[keep.indx,] # remove nodes that are not genes

## get subtype name
edge.subtype = lapply(1:length(edges),function(x){getSubtype(edges[[x]])})
edge.subtype.length = sapply(1:length(edge.subtype),function(x){length(edge.subtype[[x]])})
edge.types = vector('list',length(edge.subtype.length))
tem.indx = which(edge.subtype.length == 0)
if (length(tem.indx)>0){
  edge.types[-tem.indx] <- lapply(c(1:length(edges))[-tem.indx],function(x){getSubtype(edges[[x]])[[1]]})
  edge.type = rep(NA,length(edge.types))
  edge.type[-tem.indx] <- sapply(c(1:length(edges))[-tem.indx],function(x){getName(edge.types[[x]])})
if (length(tem.indx)==0){
  edge.types <- lapply(c(1:length(edges)),function(x){getSubtype(edges[[x]])[[1]]})
  edge.type = rep(NA,length(edge.types))
  edge.type <- sapply(c(1:length(edges)),function(x){getName(edge.types[[x]])})
edge.type = edge.type[keep.indx]

keep.edge.types = c('activation','inhibition','expression','repression') = cbind(matrix(edge.node,ncol=2),matrix(edge.type,ncol=1))
if (nrow( > 0) = matrix([complete.cases(,],ncol=3)
if (nrow( > 0) = matrix([[,3] %in% keep.edge.types,],ncol=3)
if (length( == 3) = matrix(,nrow=1)

#Remove duplicated genes[,1] = genes[[,1]][,2] = genes[[,2]]
tem.idx = which(duplicated(
if (length(tem.idx)>0){ =[-tem.idx,]
genes = unique(genes)
n.activation = sum([,3] == 'activation')
n.inhibition = sum([,3] == 'inhibition')
n.expression = sum([,3] == 'expression')
n.repression = sum([,3] == 'repression')

Construct adjacency matrices that will be used in the Graph T2 test and T2DAG test.

# ------- Construct A0, the adjacency matrix for Graph.T2 test -------
# which does not necessarily corresponds to a DAG 
# and can additionally incorporate the direction of gene interactions
## A0(i,j) = 1 indicates activation/expression of gene j by gene i; 
## A0(i,j) = -1 indicates inhibition/repression of gene j by gene i; 
## A0(i,j) = 0 indicates no effect of the expression of gene i on the expression of gene j.
A0 = matrix(0, length(genes), length(genes))
##### Z = QZ + E, Qij: j->i
for (i in 1:nrow({
  A0[which(genes ==[i,2]), which(genes ==[i,1])] = ifelse([i,3] %in% c('activation','expression'),1,-1)

# ------- Construct A, the binary adjacency matrix used for the T2DAG test -------
## A(i,j) = 1 indicates the existence of effect of the expression of gene i on the expression of gene j; 
## A0(i,j) = 0 indicates no effect of the expression of gene i on the expression of gene j.
#### number of self loops:
loops.index = which([,1] ==[,2])
if (length(loops.index) > 1) =[-loops.index,]
n.loops = length(loops.index)

A = matrix(0, length(genes), length(genes))
#### Z = QZ + E, Qij: j->i
for (i in 1:nrow( A[which(genes ==[i,2]), which(genes ==[i,1])] = 1
diag(A) = 0

#### remove circles
A = a$adjmat.acyclic

#### Finally, summaries of the DAG
n.circles = sum(a$adjmat.removed)
abssum = function(x) sum(abs(x))
nonzero.A = apply(A,1,abssum)
d = max(nonzero.A)
p = length(genes)
p0 = sum(nonzero.A > 0)
sparsity = sum(abs(A) > 0)/p^2

Extract gene expression data

comparison = 'tumor-tumor'; 
grp1 = 'I'; grp2 = 'II' # stages of lung cancer to compare
# 'tumor-tumor': comparison between tumor tissues of two lung cancer stages
# 'normal-tumor': comparison between normal tissue and tumor tissue of one lung cancer stage

#### Gene expression data.
ge = GE[ge.genes %in% genes,]

##### Patient information
if (comparison == 'normal-tumor'){
  control.sample.ID = sampleinfo[sampleinfo[,'Sam_Tissue'] == 2, 'Sam_Name']
  ##### remove the patients that have both benigh tissue and tumor to avoid between-sample correlation
  X = t(ge[,colnames(ge) %in% control.sample.ID]) # control
  Y = ge[,!(colnames(ge) %in% control.sample.ID)]
  Y = t(Y[,-1]) #remove the patient ID column
if (comparison == 'tumor-tumor'){
  ### only consider the tumor tissues that are from separate patients
  case.patient.ID = sampleinfo[sampleinfo[,'Sam_Tissue'] == 1, 'Sam_Patient']
  case.sample.ID = sampleinfo[sampleinfo[,'Sam_Tissue'] == 1, 'Sam_Name']
  # remove the cases of the dulicated patient IDs
  case.sample.ID = case.sample.ID[-which(duplicated(case.patient.ID))]
  # remove dulicated patient IDs
  case.patient.ID = case.patient.ID[-which(duplicated(case.patient.ID))]
  rownames(patientinfo) = patientinfo[,'Pat_ID']
  case.stage = patientinfo[case.patient.ID,'Pat_Stage']
  I.sample.ID = case.sample.ID[which(case.stage == grp1)]
  II.sample.ID = case.sample.ID[which(case.stage == grp2)]
  ##### remove patients that have both benigh tissue and tumor
  X = t(ge[,colnames(ge) %in% I.sample.ID]) # control
  Y = t(ge[,(colnames(ge) %in% II.sample.ID)])

Step 2. Conduct hypothesis tests

alpha = 0.05 # significance level for the hypothesis test.
methods = c("T2DAG","Graph.T2","T2","CH-Q","SK","CLX","GCT","aSPU","ARHT")
pval=rep(NA,length(methods)) # a vector that stores p values of the various tests
rej=rep(NA,length(methods)) # a vector that stores conclusion of the various tests
# 1: H0 rejected, 0: H0 not rejected
names(pval) = names(rej) = methods

1. T2-DAG test6

T2DAG.results = T2DAG(X, Y, A)
pval['T2DAG'] =  T2DAG.results$T2DAG.pval
rej['T2DAG'] = ifelse(T2DAG.results$T2DAG.pval<alpha,1,0)

2. Graph T2 test7

Asym = A0[1:p,1:p]
ncp <- 0.5
sigma <- diag(p)/sqrt(p)
## Build graph, decompose laplacian
lfA <- laplacianFromA(Asym)
k= 0.2 * p
# Test statistic
graph.T2.results <- graph.T2.test(X,Y,lfA=lfA,k=k,nmin=nmin)# T2.test(X,Y,k=k)
pval["Graph.T2"] = graph.T2.results$p.value
rej["Graph.T2"] = ifelse(graph.T2.results$p.value<alpha,1,0)

3. Hotelling's T2 test8

p = nrow(A) # number of genes in the pathway
n = c(nrow(X),nrow(Y)) # sample sizes
N = sum(n) # total sample size
nmin = min(n[1],n[2]) # minimum of the two sample sizes
meandiff = colMeans(X)-colMeans(Y)

if (N > p){
  S.pool = ((n[1]-1)*cov(X) + (n[2]-1)*cov(Y))/(N - 2)
  if (qr(S.pool)$rank >= p){ #even if n1+n2>=p, sample covariance can still be singular
    #### test statistic & p-value:
    T.h = (n[1]*n[2])/(N)*(t(meandiff)%*%solve(S.pool, toler=1e-30)%*%t(t(meandiff)))
    pval["T2"] = pf(q=(N-p-1)/((N-2)*p)*T.h,df1=p,df2=(N-1-p),lower.tail=FALSE)
    rej["T2"] = ifelse(pval["T2"]<alpha,1,0)

4. CH-Q test9

CH_Q = apval_Chen2010(sam1=X, sam2=Y, eq.cov = TRUE) # This function is from the package "highmean". Can also use the function ChenQin.test() from the package "highD2pop".
pval["CH-Q"] = CH_Q$pval
rej["CH-Q"] = ifelse(pval["CH-Q"]<alpha,1,0)

5. SK test10

SK.results = SK.test(X,Y) = SK.results$TSvalue
pval["SK"] = SK.results$pvalue
rej["SK"] = ifelse(SK.results$pvalue<alpha,1,0)

6. CLX test11

CLX.results = apval_Cai2014(sam1=X, sam2=Y) # This function is from the package "highmean". Can also use CLX.test.equalcov() from the package "highD2pop".
pval["CLX"] = CLX.results$pval
rej["CLX"] = ifelse(pval["CLX"]<alpha,1,0)

7. GCT test12

if (p >= 20){
  GCT.results = GCT.test(X,Y,r=ceiling(2/3*p^(1/2)), ntoorderminus = 0) # In their paper r=L=10,15,20, smaller l leads to larger pvalue and smaller power.
  pval["GCT"] = GCT.results$pvalue
  rej["GCT"] = ifelse(GCT.results$pvalue<alpha,1,0)
if (p < 20){
  GCT.results = GCT.test(X,Y,r=ceiling(2/3*p^(1/2))+1, ntoorderminus = 0)#r=10)
  pval["GCT"] = GCT.results$pvalue
  rej["GCT"] = ifelse(GCT.results$pvalue<alpha,1,0)

8. aSPU test13

if (p>=50){
  aspu = apval_aSPU(sam1=X,sam2=Y) # default: eq.cov = TRUE
  pval["aSPU"] = aspu$pval["aSPU"]
  rej["aSPU"] = ifelse(pval["aSPU"]<alpha,1,0)
  aspu.lambda = aspu$pow[which.min(aspu$pval)] # selected lambda
if (p<50){
  aspu = apval_aSPU(sam1=X,sam2=Y,bandwidth = 1)
  pval["aSPU"] = aspu$pval["aSPU"]
  rej["aSPU"] = ifelse(pval["aSPU"]<alpha,1,0)
  aspu.lambda = aspu$pow[which.min(aspu$pval)] # selected lambda

9. ARHT test14

  res.arht = ARHT(X, Y) # X, Y: n x p
  pval["ARHT"] = res.arht$ARHT_pvalue
  rej["ARHT"] = ifelse(pval["ARHT"]<alpha,1,0)

Hypothesis testing results

output = list( = data.frame(n1=n[1], n2=n[2], p=p, n.edges=nrow(,
                                      n.loops = n.loops, d=d, p0=p0, sparsity = signif(sparsity,2),
                                      n.activation = n.activation, n.inhibition = n.inhibition,
                                      n.expression = n.expression, n.repression = n.repression,
                                      n.circles = n.circles),
              pvalues = signif(pval,2))
# output
   n1  n2  p n.edges n.loops d p0 sparsity n.activation n.inhibition
  278 124 60      56       0 6 44    0.015           12            7
  n.expression n.repression n.circles
            37            0         0

   T2DAG Graph.T2       T2     CH-Q       SK      CLX      GCT     aSPU 
 4.2e-11  2.3e-03  6.7e-03  3.6e-04  3.4e-03  1.9e-02  8.9e-04  3.0e-03


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  3. KEGG pathways.
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  6. A powerful test for differentially expressed gene pathways via graph-informed structural equation modeling.
  7. Jacob, L., Neuvial, P. and Dudoit, S., 2012. More power via graph-structured tests for differential expression of gene networks. The Annals of Applied Statistics, pp.561-600.
  8. Hotelling, H., 1992. The generalization of Student’s ratio. In Breakthroughs in statistics (pp. 54-65). Springer, New York, NY.
  9. Chen, S.X. and Qin, Y.L., 2010. A two-sample test for high-dimensional data with applications to gene-set testing. The Annals of Statistics, 38(2), pp.808-835.
  10. Srivastava, M.S. and Kubokawa, T., 2013. Tests for multivariate analysis of variance in high dimension under non-normality. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 115, pp.204-216.
  11. Cai, T.T., Liu, W. and Xia, Y., 2014. Two-sample test of high dimensional means under dependence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B: Statistical Methodology, pp.349-372.
  12. Gregory, K.B., Carroll, R.J., Baladandayuthapani, V. and Lahiri, S.N., 2015. A two-sample test for equality of means in high dimension. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110(510), pp.837-849.
  13. Xu, G., Lin, L., Wei, P. and Pan, W., 2016. An adaptive two-sample test for high-dimensional means. Biometrika, 103(3), pp.609-624.
  14. Li, H., Aue, A., Paul, D., Peng, J. and Wang, P. 2020. An adaptable generalization of hotelling’s t2 test in high dimension. The Annals of Statistics, 48(3), pp.1815–1847.

Author Information

  • Jin Jin, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health [email protected]
  • Yue Wang, School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Arisona State University [email protected]


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