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Snow on Stairs logo

Place snow on top of stairs, slabs and many more blocks!

Minecraft version CurseForge downloads Modrinth downloads Datapack version


The way this datapack works is very simple. You just right click, while sneaking, with a snow layer the base of any supported block to turn it into a "snow-logged" block!

Check the full list of supported blocks below to know which blocks you can interact with.

Make sure to also use the provided resource pack, otherwise you won't be able to see the "snow-logged" blocks!


You can download both the datapack and the resource pack from CurseForge or Modrinth.

Inside the ZIP file youll find both the datapack and the resourcepack. Make sure to install them correctly, otherwise things may not work properly.

You can find instructions on how to install the datapack and the resource pack below or inside the HOW TO INSTALL.txt file


  • Extract the datapack and resourcepack archives from the downloaded ZIP file

    Extracted files


    • When creating a new world, go to the More tab and click on Data Packs

      The Data Packs tab

    • Drag and drop the datapack file snow_on_stairs-datapack-vX.X-mcVersion inside the Data Packs screen, enable it and click Done


    • From the main menu, or after joining a world with the Data Pack enabled, click Options and then Resource Packs...

      The Resource Packs tab

    • Drag and drop the resourcepack file snow_on_stairs-resourcepack-vX.X-mcVersion inside the Resource Packs screen, enable it and click Done


Everyone can contribute!

You can suggest a feature to add using the feature request module. Please keep in mind that suggestions must met the datapack criteria in order to be added.

And if you find any issue you can report them using the Issue Tracker. Remember to add as many details as possible, so I can easily reproduce the issue and fix it 😉

If you wish you can also show your support via donations, which will be really appreciated. Of course this is not mandatory to use the datapack, but as I said they're really appreciated 😁

These are the supported ways to donate:

Donate via 'Buy Me A Beer'       Donate via PayPal
Donate via Ko-Fi


This datapack is a slightly modified version of the Carpet on Stairs Datapack by oOBoomberOo. Basically all the functions and commands remained untouched, so all credits goes to him for the original work and idea! 😁

I also want to thank n0rd for helping me with the build script! 😀


I hope you like this datapack and the effort put into it to keep it always updated!

I'll support the datapack, and add more blocks as needed, with new versions of Minecraft.

In the meantime I wish you all the best, have a nice day,

Jimi 🤘🏼


The supported blocks can be found inside the #snow_on_stairs:snowable tag. Changing the entries in this list will change the list of blocks that can be "snow-logged". This also mean that other datapacks or mods can add their blocks to this list, if they aren't already in other Minecraft Tags (for instance, if a modded stair is inside the stairs tag, it will be automatically supported by the datapack!)

The #snow_on_stairs:snowable tag can be used inside the Minecraft inventory to quickly see the list of supported blocks.

Here is the current list of blocks that can be "snow-logged" (assuming no changes has been made to the #snow_on_stairs:snowable tag):

  • All anvil states (under the #minecraft:anvil tag)
  • All banners (under the #minecraft:banners tag). This include:
    • All colored banners
    • All player-made banners
    • Ominous banner
  • All beds (under the #minecraft:beds tag)
  • All buttons (under the #minecraft:buttons tag)
  • All campfires (under the #minecraft:campfires tag). This include:
    • Campfire
    • Soul Campfire
  • All candles (under the #minecraft:candles tag)
  • All candle cakes (under the #minecraft:candle_cakes tag)
  • All cauldrons (under the #minecraft:cauldrons tag). This include:
    • Cauldron
    • Water Cauldron
    • Lava Cauldron
    • Powder Snow Cauldron
  • All climbable blocks (under the #minecraft:climbable tag, except Vines). This include:
    • Cave Vines
    • Kelp
    • Ladder
    • Scaffolding
    • Twisting Vines
    • Weeping Vines
  • All copper grates (both waxed and unwaxed)
  • All corals (under the #minecraft:corals tag). This include:
    • All coral fans
    • All coral plants (under the #minecraft:coral_plantstag)
    • All dead coral fans
    • All dead coral plants
  • All doors (under the #minecraft:doors tag)
  • All fences (under the #minecraft:fences tag)
  • All fence gates (under the #minecraft:fence_gates tag)
  • All flowers (under the #minecraft:flowers tag). This include:
    • All small flowers (under the #minecraft:small_flowers tag)
    • All tall flowers (under the #minecraft:tall_flowers tag)
    • Cherry Leaves
    • Flowering Azalea Leaves
    • Mangrove Propagule
    • Pink Petals
    • Spore Blossom
  • All flower pots (under the #minecraft:flower_pots tag). This include:
    • Flower Pot
    • Flower Pot with a flower inside
  • All leaves (under the #minecraft:leaves tag). This include:
    • All tree leaves
    • Mangrove Roots
  • All pressure plates (under the #minecraft:pressure_plates tag)
  • All rails (under the #minecraft:rails tag)
  • All saplings (under the #minecraft:saplings tag). This include:
    • All tree saplings
    • Azalea
    • Flowering Azalea
    • Bamboo sapling
    • Mangrove propagule
  • All signs (under the #minecraft:all_signs tag). This include:
    • All placed signs (under the #minecraft:standing_signs tag)
    • All wall signs (under the #minecraft:wall_signs tag)
    • All hanging signs (under the #minecraft:all_hanging_signs tag)
  • All slabs (under the #minecraft:slabs tag)
  • All stairs (under the #minecraft:stairs tag)
  • All trapdoors (under the #minecraft:trapdoors tag)
  • All walls (under the #minecraft:walls tag)
  • All Colored Glass Blocks
  • All Colored Glass Panes
  • Crimson Fungus
  • Dragon Head
  • Piglin Head
  • Player Heads (including custom ones)
  • Red Mushroom
  • Sculk Sensor
  • Skeleton Skull
  • Small Dripleaf
  • Soul Torch
  • Tinted Glass
  • Torch
  • Turtle Egg
  • Warped Fungus
  • Wither Skeleton Skull
  • Zombie Head
  • Redstone Torch
  • Glass Pane
  • Amethyst Cluster
  • Bamboo
  • Beacon
  • Bell
  • Big Dripleaf
  • Brewing Stand
  • Brown Mushroom
  • Cactus
  • Cake
  • Calibrated Sculk Sensor
  • Chain
  • Chest
  • Chorus Flower
  • Chorus Plant
  • Cobweb
  • Comparator
  • Conduit
  • Creeper Head
  • Decorated Pot
  • Dragon Egg
  • End Rod
  • Ender Chest
  • Glass
  • Grindstone
  • Honey Block
  • Hopper
  • Iron Bars
  • Lantern
  • Large Amethyst Bud
  • Lever
  • Lightning Rod
  • Medium Amethyst Bud
  • Monster Spawner
  • Pointed Dripstone
  • Redstone
  • Repeater
  • Sea Pickle
  • Slime Block
  • Small Amethyst Bud
  • Sniffer Egg
  • Soul Lantern
  • String
  • Sugar Cane
  • Sweet Berry Bush
  • Trapped Chest
  • Tripwire Hook