A ROS node for generating occupancy grid map and semantic occupancy grid map based on visual SLAM.
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic, OpenCV 3.2.0, Eigen 3.2.10.
- OpenCV;
- Eigen3.
You can use provided Dockerfile or build using catkin build.
- nav_msgs::Odometry - pose of camera in a keyframe;/KF_map_points
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud - map points that are visible on a keyframe;/semantic_image
- sensor_msgs::Image - image with result of semantic segmentation (only for semantic_occupancy_map_node);
- nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid - occupancy grid map;/visual_occupancy_node/trajectory_grid_map
- sensor_msgs::Image - image with occupancy grid map and trajectory of robot;/visual_occupancy_node/semantic_occupancy_map
- sensor_msgs::Image - semantic occupancy map (only for semantic_occupancy_map_node);
You can change next parameters in .yaml file:
- 1 / resolution of map - default: 20;Tcw_form
- form of KF_pose, 0 equals Twc form - default: 0;Cloud_max_x
- max value of map's horizontal in meters - default: 10;Cloud_min_x
- min value of map's horizontal in meters - default: -10;Cloud_max_z
- max value of map's vertical in meters - default: 16;Cloud_min_z
- min value of map's vertical in meters - default: -5;Free_thresh
- value above which cell determines as free area - default: 0.55;Occupied_thresh
- value below which cell determines as occupied area - default: 0.5;Use_local_counters
- using local counters in keyframes for reduce fake free cells - default: 0;Use_gaussian_counters
- using gaussian smoothing for reduce discretization - default: 0;Use_boundary_detection
- using Canny algorithm for detect boundary between free and unknown area and set it as occupancy area - default: 0;Publish_trajectory
- publish image in '/visual_occupancy_node/trajectory_grid_map' topic - default: 0;Visit_thresh
- visit counter value above which map points are provided for update occupancy map - default: 0;Thresh_extension
- when difference between KF_pose and bound of map in meters below this value, extension of map is starting - default: 5;Step_extension
- value which added to bound of map when extension is running - default: 10;Gaussian_kernel_size
- kernel size for gaussian smoothing - default: 3;Canny_thresh
- value of lower thresh in Canny detector, upper thresh equals 2 * lower thresh - default: 350;Upper_height
- map points which have height value above this thresh not used - default: 1.0;Lower_height
- map points which have height value below this thresh not used - default: 0.0;Make_submaps
- make submaps whith colours in submaps.txt (only for semantic_occupancy_map_node) - default: 0;Use_semantic_filter
- using only map points whith semantic labels in submaps.txt for update counters (only for semantic_occupancy_map_node) - default: 0.
For running occupancy_map_node with provided config file sber_mseg.yaml use:
roslaunch visual_occupancy_map sber_mseg.launch
For running semantic_occupancy_map_node with provided config file sber_mseg.yaml use:
roslaunch visual_occupancy_map semantic_sber_mseg.launch
If you want to build additional submaps, setup submaps.txt and use:
roslaunch visual_occupancy_map submaps.launch
Also you can use configs occupancy_map_node and semantic_occupancy_map_node for rviz in folder 'rviz'.