ITK 4.13.2
On behalf of the Insight Toolkit (ITK) Community, we are happy to announce the release of ITK 4.13.2!
ITK is an open-source, cross-platform library for multidimensional image analysis.
Release files can be downloaded from
To install or upgrade Python packages with pip:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade itk
This is a patch release that fixes critical issues, regressions, documentation, and compiler support. This release includes a number of fixes for GDCM for improved DICOM support. The build system is updated for compatibility with newer CMake. Continuous integration testing is also improved following our migration to GitHub.
The next feature pre-release for ITK 5, ITK 5 Release Candidate 2, is anticipated in a few weeks.
Enjoy ITK!
ITK changes from v4.13.1 to v4.13.2:
Bai Shi (1):
COMP: To fix compilation error of "cannot dynamic_cast 'x'
Bradley Lowekamp @blowekamp (10):
BUG: Support ITK transform files with corrected group names
BUG: Update SCIOFIO to ITKv4.13 branch
BUG: Handle boundary case with max metric
BUG: Remove static member function variable
BUG: Synchronize BSpline MeshDomain parameters from fixed params
COMP: Address CMake policy warnings in ThirdParty libraries
ENH: Update AzurePipelines configuration from master
ENH: Explicitly set the XCode version used in Azure
COMP: Use CMP0048 new for wrapping
COMP: Set CMP0048 to new in ITK (Remote) Modules
Dženan Zukić @dzenanz (2):
STYLE: fixing 'No new line at the end of file'
ENH: ITKv5_CONST macro for VerifyPreconditions() and VerifyInputInformation()
Francois Budin @fbudin69500 (1):
BUG: Disable Python tests if `ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES` is OFF
GDCM Upstream @malaterre (3):
GDCM 2019-02-07 (8e1cfd05)
GDCM 2018-10-23 (2e701ed7)
GDCM 2019-02-08 (815caa81)
Isaiah Norton @ihnorton (2):
BUG: prevent segfault when transform reader fails to load .mat
BUG: don't quote argument to URL_HASH for FFTW
Matthew McCormick @thewtex (9):
BUG: Use manylinux to build CastXML linux executable
COMP: Address empty _FILE_OFFSET_BITS in tif_config.h with MinGW64
BUG: Remove duplicate ITK version number
ENH: Add Azure Pipelines configuration
ENH: Add regression test for reading legacy multi-frame DICOM
COMP: Set CMP0083 for PIE flags
ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.13.2
ENH: Add missing SHA512 content link
ENH: Explicitly use Python 3.7 in Azure builds
Niels Dekker @N-Dekker (2):
COMP: Fixed GDCM OpenJPEG name mangling
PERF: Remove SystemInformation data from ResourceProbe, fix issue #350