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  • Homebrew


  1. git clone --bare [email protected]:IniZio/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
  2. make setup-ubuntu / make setup-mac



  • Cerebro: Unity's Alt-F2 alternative in i3wm
  • Postman / Insominia
  • Franz / Rambox: Unify all your chat clients
  • Typora: Best Markdown writer (has Latex)
  • Guake terminal: Drop-down terminal
  • NaSC: Not as powerful as WolframAlpha, but well sometimes you have to be offline..
  • Meld: Compare files/directories, good for dirty comparisons
  • Redshift GTK / flux indicator applet (in ubuntu repo already): Save your eyes
  • Temps: Beautiful weather applet
  • Genymotion: faster emulator than Android AVD (only free for personal use with limited features though)
  • howdoi: pip install howdoi
  • git lfs: use pointers for large files in git repo to save local space
  • Etcher: USB writer with a finally good UI
  • pnpm: Fastest npm client on earth, even better than yarn


  • Rectangle: Window manager.
  • Postico / Table Plus: DB GUI client
  • Klokki: Time tracker