BAnd Unfolding Machinery for VASP output (VASP-BAUM). VASPBAUM is written for the post-processing purpose of the VASP outputs, i.e., WAVECAR the Bloch wavefunction information. VASPBAUM can compute band structure unfolding via k-projection method [See described in Phys. Rev. B 85, 085201 (2012).] In addition Circular dichroism also can be evaluated.
- git clone
- Serial version : set MPI_USE = NO in makefile
make vaspbaum.serial or make
- Multicore version : set MPI_USE = YES in makefile
make vaspbaum.mpi or make
- Band structure unfolding along primitive unit cell brillouin zone k-path
- Circular dichroism (optical selectivity response to the circulary polarized light)
- Instruction and possible options
./vaspbaum.mpi -h
generate supercell K-point that primitive k-point along high symmetry path is folded into.
- Prepare KPOINTS_PC : k-point path of primitive Brillouin zone (BZ) that to be unfolded onto
- Prepare POSCAR_PC : primitive cell lattice information (VASP POSCAR format)
- Prepare POSCAR_SC : Super cell lattice information (VASP POSCAR format)
- run "vaspbaum" : vaspbaum -set_unfold
- KPOINTS_SC file will be generated --> copy KPOINTS_SC into KPOINTS to calculate WAVECAR
run unfolding
- Once you generated "WAVECAR" with KPOINTS_SC
- run "vaspbaum" to unfold:
vaspbaum -unfold -nosoc -sigma 0.10 -nediv 4000 -norm T -ef -1.2
-nosoc : without SOC (if SOC, set -soc) -nediv : division of energy window for spectral function -norm : normalize wavefunction -ef : set Fermi level -sigma : full width at half maximum for the Lorenztian line shape function (used for smearing of spectral function)
run unfolding with circular dichroism (same with "unfolding" functionality but include cicularly polarization)
- run "vaspbaum" :
vaspbaum -unfold -nosoc -sigma 0.10 -nediv 4000 -norm T -cd 2 -ien 0.0 -fen 4.0
-ien : incident photon energy (minimum) -fen : incident photon energy (maximum)
- You can also control the angle of incident photon with respect to the surface by -theta and -phi tag
vaspbaum.mpi -unfold -nosoc -sigma 0.10 -nediv 4000 -norm T -cd 2 -ien 0.0 -fen 4.0 -theta 65.0
-theta : angle along z-axis describing the direction of the injecting light -phi : angle along x-axis describing the direction of the injecting light - Example: -Light from z-axis(surface normal): (theta,phi) = (0.0,0.0) -Light from x-axis : (theta,phi) = (90.0,0.0) -Light from y-axis : (theta,phi) = (90.0,90.0)
- WSe2 twisted bilayer system (The example for unfold with CD is provided upon reasonable request)
- Hyun-Jung Kim: Main developer ([email protected])
- The code is under active development. Please contact author ([email protected]) for the usage.