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Flutter_user is a package that provides screens for login, registration, forgotPassword and onboarding.


To use this package, add flutter_user as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

      ref: <Version>

To use the module within your Flutter-application with predefined Go_router routes you should add the following:

Add go_router as dependency to your project. Add the following configuration to your flutter_application:

AuthUserStoryConfiguration authUserStoryConfiguration = const AuthUserStoryConfiguration();

and set the values as you wish.

Next add the AuthUserStoryConfiguration to getAuthStoryRoutes Like so:

List<GoRoute> getUserRoutes() => getAuthStoryRoutes(

Finally add the getUserRoutes to your Go_router routes like so:

final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
  routes: <RouteBase>[

The routes that can be used to navigate are:

For routing to the LoginScreen:

  static const String loginScreen = '/login';

For routing to the RegistrationScreen:

  static const String registrationScreen = '/register';

For routing to the ForgotPasswordScreen:

  static const String forgotPasswordScreen = '/forgot-password';

For routing to the Onboarding:

  static const String onboarding = '/onboarding';

For routing to the afterRegistration:

  static const String afterRegistration = '/after-registration';

For routing to the beforeRegistration:

  static const String beforeRegistration = '/before-registration';

Some functions return a OnboardedUserMixin which can be used to check if the user has finished the onboarding. To use this mixin you should add the following to your user class:

class YourUSer implements OnboardedUserMixin {
  bool onboarded;

The AuthUserStoryConfiguration has its own parameters, as specified below:

Parameter Explanation
loginPageBuilder The builder for the loginPage.
registrationPageBuilder The builder for the registrationPage.
forgotPasswordBuilder The builder for the forgotPasswordPage.
beforeRegistrationPage The builder for the beforeRegistrationPage.
afterRegistrationPage The builder for the afterRegistrationPage.
afterLoginPage The builder for the afterLoginPage.
pageOverlayBuilder This can be used to show something above the other pages. For instance to indicate that there is no internet.
loginServiceBuilder The login service to use.
afterLoginRoute The route to go to after the user logs in.
loginOptionsBuilder Options for the login screen.
registrationOptionsBuilder Options for the registration screen.
useRegistration Whether to use the registration screen.
useOnboarding Whether to use the onboarding screen.
useForgotPassword Whether to show the forgot password button.

The OnboardingConfiguration has its own parameters, as specified below:

Parameter Explanation
onboardingFinished Called when the user finishes the onboarding.
onboardingOnNext Called when the user goes to the next page in the onboarding.


Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on our GitHub page. Commercial support is available if you need help with integration with your app or services. You can contact us at [email protected].

Want to contribute

text If you would like to contribute to the plugin (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature), please carefully review our contribution guide and send us your pull request.


This flutter_user for Flutter is developed by Iconica. You can contact us at [email protected]